Initial project deliverable for ETHToronto will be a system for attesting quiz scores on Google Forms. The reasoning being that Google Forms is fairly ubiquitous already. There will be far less friction in onboarding users as a result.
This application will use the Base-Goerli chain for development.
Users will click a button (injected using a browser extension) in order to attest off-chain that they have completed the form. This will notify a service listening to a messaging queue that a new form has been completed. The service will validate the form, and attest on-chain the score of the recipient.
Attestations signed by this service will be valuable because they'll be signed by a well-known address (i.e. the wallet used for this demo.)
The inspiration for this BUIDL came from the decentralized process NRC uses to certify pyrotechnic display assistants. (Third parties administer training/quizzes and the government designs the quizzes and accepts payment) future milestones would be geared toward being able to fully realize scenarios where an aggregate of attestations could be used to prove a person has met the requirements of a licensing program, etc.
Future goals would include:
- Verification of payment of licensing/other fees needed to maintain a credential.
- Attestation of attendance at training.
- Validation that an individual has met all requirements to have a particular credential in good standing.