Updated 512 days ago

Cross Chain GEMs - powered by AXELAR & Starknet L2 → L1 messaging

Gamefi dApp that demonstrate the power of Axelar infrastructure

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • BNB Chain
  • CosmosHub
  • Polygon
  • IPFS
  • Avalanche
  • Moonbeam
  • Starknet
  • Celo
  • NFT
  • GameFi
  • Metaverse
  • Infra / API
  • Social
  • Crosschain Infrastructure
  • CrossChain
  • L1-L2 Starknet Message


1️⃣ "AXELAR - $4,000"

2️⃣ "STARKWARE - $4,500"

3️⃣ "AVALANCHE - $5,000"

The idea of this dApp is that users can mint NFTs on diffents EVM chains and bridge them only to AVAX. So after, for each different NFT item from different chain, user can improve some skill of his NPC from AVAX.

Like bridge a NFT (in game item) from MATIC to AVAX and get +50 coins. Or Bridge another item (from Fantom) to AVAX and get special skill.

Description how I use:

1️⃣ AXELAR: Using Axelar GMP for sending Interchain Messages

2️⃣ STARKWARE - $4,500: L2 → L1 communication

I created a bridgeable NFT collection (ERC721) on Starknet Goerli.

Contract: 0x03dc5a1ed0df3b7b655c2170ef443e42ff214b9193707d5ebd0565eb03ab319b.

Explorer: https://goerli.voyager.online/contract/0x03dc5a1ed0df3b7b655c2170ef443e42ff214b9193707d5ebd0565eb03ab319b

I used L2 → L1 communication (Starknet Goerli → ETH Goerli) for bridging NFTs from Starknet to Goerli.

Proof of claiming NFT on L1 (Goerli) [using function ConsumedMessageToL1)

Few example of L2 → L1 messages:

Contract on Goerli for bridged NFTs from Starknet:

The process:

  1. User mint a NFT on Starknet Goerli;
  2. User bridge the NFT to L1 (Goerli)
  3. User wait some time until transaction is attached to L1 (~5 hours)
  4. User claim manually the NFT on Goerli
  5. Done ! But in my project, the NFT bridged from Starknet to Goerli can also be bridged to Avalanche Testnet, using Axelar GMP.

So the path is: Starknet -> Goerli -> Avalanche

3️⃣ AVALANCHE - $5,000: EVM C-Chain Track

All EVM collections are bridged to AVAX Fuji EVM C-Chain & users sell owned NFTs for some AVAX.

Few contracts deployed on AVAX Fuji:

Gamefi dApp that demonstrate the power of Axelar infrastructure.

That can brings users from differents chains to join in one place.

Much chains used, EVM, Starknet, Cosmos.

Demo images:
