Updated 376 days ago


ALL-IN-ONE dApp for Coreum NFTs: Dashboard, Administation panel & 3D Web Gallery

  • Crypto / Web3
  • NFT
  • Metaverse
  • Infra / API
  • Social
  • Creator Economy

⭐⭐⭐ APPLIED FOR BOUNTY: "COREUM - $10,000" ⭐⭐⭐


ALL-IN-ONE dApp for Coreum NFTs: Dashboard, Administation panel & 3D Web Gallery




All users:

  • Connect to app using Keplr Wallet;
  • View all NFT collections from Coreum Testnet;
  • Search NFT collections by name;
  • Issue new NFT collection with full customisation:
    • Symbol
    • Name
    • Descripton
    • Royalty rate
    • Collection Image
    • Features: Burning, Freezing, Whitelisting, Disable sending
  • Transfer owned NFTs (if collection does not have disable_transfer feature)
  • Burn owned NFTs (if collection has burning feature)
  • View NFTs in a 3D gallery. New experience, like a metaverse .


Collection creators:

  • Mint new NFTs for created collection with full customisation:
    • Symbol
    • Name
    • Descripton
    • Royalty rate
    • Collection Image
    • Features: Burning, Freezing, Whitelisting, Disable sending
  • Whitelist / Remove Whitelist addresses to hold a specific NFT item (if collection has Whitelisting feature)
  • Freeze / Unfreeze NFTs items (if collection has Freezing feature)


Demo images: