Updated 392 days ago

Chicken Nuggets Decentralized Escrow

A decentralized escrow system that allows for trustless transactions of products while reducing administrative costs.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Chainlink
  • Metamask
  • Social
  • Supply Chain Management
  • XDC
The Chicken Nuggets team is a 3-piece chicken nugget meal of curious and talented young students interested in the DeFi space. Aged 15, 20 and 20 respectively, we are most likely the youngest team in this hackathon. Matthias Schirmer: Project Lead and Full Stack Developer I'm a high school student that started learning in the web3 space at the beginning of last year. Since then, I've participated in last year's ETHToronto as well as the Blockhack hackathon in 2022. I've self-taught myself deeply on smart contracts, solidity, hardhat, and more relating to the DeFi space. Hannah Pan: Front-end Developer I’m currently a third year student at the University of Toronto and began learning about blockchain technology over the course of this summer. Combining this and my knowledge of Reactjs, I helped write and style the front-end portion of our project. Helena Glowacki: UI/UX Designer I’m also a third year student at the University of Toronto. I recently got into blockchain, with the help of Matthias, and got to work on the front-end and design of Chicken Nuggets.