Livestreams meets game theory meets on-chain voting. Partytricks is a platform that lets DAOs grow their community sustainably by setting up social bonding games at the click of a button.
In this demo, the first party trick is called Split or Steal, a classic game of prisoners dilemma. There is a prize stored in an escrow contract. Contestants on a livestream have to either jointly collaborate to split the prize. If one of the players defects, they get the whole pot. If both of them defect, both players get zero. While the live stream is going, onlookers can vote from any chain to give their best guess at who is telling the truth.
DAOs can use these games to incentivize participation, familiarize new users with web3 UX, and perhaps even gain insight about DAO member behaviours.
This demo uses Axelar's SDK for sending messages between Ethereum Goerli, Base Goerli and Avalanche Fuji. I tried using Defender to clear rewards but not sure that I used it right.
Contracts Deployed on
- Avalanche Fuji:
- Base Goerli:
- Eth Goerli:
Please check my in the github repo for bounty-specific information. Thank you sponsors!
**Potential next steps: **
- Network effects: Enable UGC - people can submit their own party tricks and share them with the partytrick community
- GameFi: Enable secondary markets and betting to be built.
- Allow inter-DAO tournaments, build team spirit.
- Add cross-chain asset routing, such that it can give a portion back to the contestants.
- Ballot privacy
- Anonymity for people protecting their identity cross-chain