Updated 437 days ago


Researching additive manufacturing and topology optimization topics for manufacturing outside Earth

  • Space

The team won Best Use of Technology award at NASA Space Apps challenge where it tackled a challenge of designing tools, furniture, and other items to assist astronauts on a one-year long mission on Mars. Although some of the aspects of the initial project might seem surrealistic just now, they are definitely the initial steps towards the interplanetary future.

Some of the technologies that were developed during the initial project at NASA Space Apps can be applied on Earth already today. The team is now seeking to further develop the project shifting focus towards additive manufacturing techniques which would be viable on other planets such as Mars and natural satellites such as Moon. In addition, the team would like to develop topology optimization algorithms in Rhino Grasshopper further.

Thus the Grant would allow to continue work on topology optimization algorithms using Rhino Grasshopper and search for additive manufacturing techniques which can be used on Earth and other planets or natural satellites such as Moon.