Updated 438 days ago


Our project aims to revolutionize voting by creating a secure and decentralized ecosystem. Integrating blockchain and Hypersign's DID service, we ensure verifiable identities, thwarting sybil attack. Through cutting-edge zk-proofs, we safeguard voter...  

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Safe
  • Metamask
  • DID

Members 3

Our project aims to revolutionize the web3 voting mechanism in DAOs by providing a secure and decentralized system. By integrating the EVM blockchain and Hypersign's DID service, we ensure verifiable identities, protection against sybil attacks, and the empowerment of voting.

Cutting-edge ZK-proofs are pivotal as they allow verifying data without exposing personal details, preserving voter privacy. This safeguards sensitive information during verification, ensuring voter anonymity and the security of their choices. Integrating Discord and GitHub enhances user experience while upholding privacy standards.

Our vision is to empower global democratic processes, fostering trust and inclusivity. Join us on this transformative journey to amplify voices, uphold integrity, and reshape the future of voting. Together, let's build a resilient and accountable voting platform for all.

Key features

  1. Hypersign DID Registration: Users can seamlessly register their decentralized identities on the Hypersign blockchain using their Metamask addresses. This ensures a secure and tamper-proof identity for each participant.

  2. Verifiable Credential (VC) Integration: Once registered, users can obtain verifiable credentials through Discord or GitHub account verification. These VCs serve as proof of identity and enable users to participate in the voting process securely.

  3. Voting and Proposal Creation: The platform allows users to participate in the voting process and create new proposals. Each proposal can have specific conditions, such as requiring Discord or GitHub VCs for voting eligibility.

  4. Hypersign VC Verification: All VCs obtained through the platform are verified through the Hypersign service to ensure that they are issued by the project and are valid. This step guarantees the authenticity of participants and maintains the integrity of the voting process.

  5. Zero-Knowledge (zk) Proof: After successfully verifying the VCs, the platform generates zk proofs for each participant. These proofs are essential for ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of voters' identities during the voting process.

  6. Smart Contract: The voting process is implemented as a smart contract deployed on the Ethereum testnet. The zk proofs are used to cast votes securely and anonymously, further enhancing the privacy and security of the voting mechanism.

Our tech stack

  1. Hypersign SSI SDK: A javascript SDK for DID operations comply W3C DID specification and is built on top of Hypersign Identity Blockchain Network
  2. NextJs: With WAGMI, connectKIT and daisy UI, provide blockchain voting and soverign identity service
  3. Zero knowledge proof: a method by which one party (the prover) can prove to another party (the verifier) that a given statement is true, while avoiding conveying to the verifier any information beyond the mere fact of the statement's truth.
  4. Solidity smartcontract: Implement the voting functionality

How we do it ?

Step 1. User choose a metamask account to get a DID on Hypersign network

Step 2. Sign in Github or Discord account to get a verifiable credential

Step 3. User choose a proposal to vote

Step 4. Web will verify whether the VC is legal. If it's legal generating a zero knowledge proof to user

Step 5. Use zero knowledge proof to invoke voting smart contract

Beepoll eth vote.png