Updated 574 days ago


Interactive command line tool for interacting with the NFTs in the interchain

  • Crypto / Web3
  • CosmosHub
  • Juno
  • NFT
  • Crosschain Infrastructure
  • Stargaze
  • Uptick
  • CLI
  • Omniflix
  • Iris

The NFT cli is an interactive command line tool for interacting with the NFTs in the interchain (currently, the Cosmos ecosystem).

Screenshot from 2023-06-19 09-26-24.png

Feature list includes things such as:

  • Create NFT classes
  • Mint NFTs
  • Transfer NFTs over IBC
  • Query NFTs on all chains
  • Self relaying (docs)
  • IBC Transaction lookup
  • Key management (it also handles eth key types)
  • Multiline editor for NFT metadata
  • List IBC Connections
  • Calculate Class Hash
  • Generate Class IBC trace (by choosing each hop)

Most of this CLI was built during the game of NFT hackathon phase 1 to help people do different tasks. It is currently being repurposed to be a more general tool for managing NFTs. After the hackathon the plan is to add support for mainnets and make it easy to configure and use for anyone (who is at least somewhat comfortable with the command line). To see the previous version of this CLI, see the gon tools repo


The nft-cli is built using Go to be able to leverage the different chain's native code for queries and transactions.

It also uses code directly from the Go Realyer to be able to self-relay without any configuration setup (open source if friggin' awesome).

Future work

In the future it would be great to decouple more of the code from the chains and have automated ways of handling different versions of the SDK in particular. One idea is to do something similar to what Hubl is doing with AutoCLI.

Otherwise, the current planned feature list includes:

  • Add support for mainnets
  • Add support for self-config (with a config file and via the CLI itself)
  • Incorporate Stargaze indexer to make querying NFTs easier
  • Add user guide (both as a doc and inline in the CLI during operation to guide users better)
  • Better key management
  • Improve docs and contribution guidelines