Updated 489 days ago

Cosmic Exodus

Creation, publish and distribuition of web3 games (free-to-play, non-pay-to-win)

  • Crypto / Web3
  • CosmosHub
  • GameFi
  • Metaverse

Enter the metaverse of web3 gaming, where your sole focus is on having fun. Our free-to-play, non-pay-to-win games offer endless entertainment and the opportunity to earn digital assets or digital goods.

This is our application to the categories of Best Saga Multiverse Collaboration and Best Web2 to Web3 Game Port or Mod.

In this build we showcased how to deploy our Saga Chainlet, the use of Thirdweb integrations on wallets and smart contracts, Spheron to host, as well as using our partners Bacano Go and AI Land avatars in-game.

Pitch deck: https://www.figma.com/proto/tgiuUdSJSw26w0j8ocabLB/COSMIC-EXODUS?page-id=17%3A5&type=design&node-id=11241-53848&viewport=3092%2C-75%2C0.05&scaling=contain&starting-point-node-id=11241%3A53848&show-proto-sidebar=1