The Next Generation Decentralized Crypto Exchange with User Experience of CEX and Compatibility with All Blockchains:
Our Hybrid Consensus Protocol (HCP) consists of smart contracts on Layer-1 and self-developed blockchain systems on Layer-2 => We differentiate from other DEXs by enabling 1m+ TPS with complete blockchain systems
- Every HCP Node on Layer-2 is a complete blockchain system
- The computational performance of our Layer-1 smart contracts is the top in the industry
- We transfer the Consensus of blockchain systems (on Layer-2) to smart contracts (on Layer-1) to free the transaction per second (TPS)
Our Front-end Matching Engine is a memory level order-matching engine that drives transaction results with minimum response time => We differentiate from other DEXs by real time responses (>> 1m+ TPS) and user experiences benchmarking CEXs
- The engine is off-chain and centralized for user experience
- The engine sort transactions and send them to HCP Nodes on Layer-2
Our Threshold Signature Schemes (TSS) supports transactions on all blockchain with native code => We differentiate from other DEXs by compatibility with all blockchains (no cross-chain bridge)
- We apply ECDSA/ EDDSA public blockchains on bottom layer for Cryptography
- Our smart contracts own the addresses and sign off the transactions on the corresponding public blockchains