Electrostatic traveling wave (ETW) is a technology that can manipulate and control particle motion due to the action of Coulomb force, dielectrophoretic force and other forces related to their physical properties. ETW systems are particularly well-suited to the space environment due to the lack of moving parts and absence of moisture. And it has attracted considerable attention in the beneficiation process of In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU). Our research has revealed the significant effect of DEP for particle backward motion near the elec-trode surface, making it a crucial factor in the ma-nipulation of particles in ETW systems. We have demonstrated experimentally the successful separation of particles with different sizes using their different moving directions, highlighting the potential of ETW systems for use in the benefi-ciation process ISRU. We aim to contribute more to the growing body of knowledge on particle manipulation and separation using non-mechanical means, particularly in the space environment where con-ventional methods may not be feasible. Our ultimate goal is to build a system that can sustainably transport and separate lunar particles in large quantities on the Moon.