Vision Support 28 Chapters Penahitam Community Members Goes to Web3 - NFT
Description Penahitam is a collective where we learn to draw and sharing our skills with each other; regardless our tribe, race, religion, gender or class. Our headquarter is located in a village near Batu, Malang (East Java).
It started from 4 friends putting on a shared exhibition called ‘A Season in The Abyss’ at a small coffee shop on a street corner of Malang back in January 2012. We started a social media group to make communicating easier between us and invite our friends to join in and contribute. The group activities started to move from just online to meeting up with new friends in the real world and it has continued to grow far beyond our initial expectations.
We’ve made art trades, prints and merchandise, published our own illustration fanzines, made our events and exhibitions together in alternative galleries and spaces, and also have been invited to participate as a group in several local art events. Right now, 12 years on, the group has more than 70K follower on Instagram and is continuously flooded with daily requests to join (we decide to select the approval for the member based on a quick preview of their ‘background’; whether they have genuine interest to join the group or not, to avoid random advertisement spams, so sometimes the approval to join the group could take a few days).
Penahitam has also branched off to create new autonomous collectives in several cities spread along Indonesia’s archipelago that actively make their own Penahitam events. Currently there are 28 cities which have their own Penahitam studio collective; Jakarta (West Java), Tangerang (West Java), Yogyakarta (Middle Java), Semarang (Middle Java), Surabaya (East Java), Pandaan (East Java), Jember (East Java), Denpasar (Bali), Padang (West Sumatra), Pekanbaru (West Sumatra) Makassar (Celebes), and Samarinda (Borneo); and there are still more cities planning to get involved. The character of each of our collectives is autonomous, non-centered with no strict bound to remain under the Penahitam name if they choose for themselves to start something new.
What We Want To Do
We want to educate our 28 chapters community members around Indonesia with web3 and NFT basic knowledge as well, and it need will more resources to share the knowledge, any support from BNB grant will be great to BUILD penahitam community and web3 industry in general.
And we have build our basic knowledge here, and our goal is to share Binance / BNB as a CEX and NFT marketplace as well and make more artist and people on our 28 chapters around Cities in Indonesia to onboard to web3.
Web2 e-commerce and want to be a bridge to web3 store, that accept fiat and crypto payment, add more merchant to join. We research our "on ramp" tools right now and will integrate it the web3 store. NFT launcher and will cross chain EVM, soulbound technology. Integrate Ai into WhatsApp to make people more easy to access knowledge and do not need to access web2 browser (Subscribe). Budget Requested US$45K
Budget Breakdown:
US$500 x 28 Chapters = US$14K, Educate and seminar Online/offline with the biggest blockchain parties In Indonesia such as, IDNFT, NFT Indonesia, Coinvestasi etc to 28 Chapters, Output: new onboard to Web3 and Binance.
Social Media:
- Twitter:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Youtube:
- Web2 web3(soon):
- Discord:
- Penahitam Booklet:
Thank you Penahitam