Updated 656 days ago

Ergon by USTX TEAM

Simplify user access to Tron Stake 2.0. Save on transaction fees by renting energy. Earn by staking TRX. Participate by supporting a community driven Super Representative. Increase utility of USTX ecosystem.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • TRON
  • DeFi

Members 2



The Ergon projects appeals to users needing energy to lower the cost of transactions (smart contract users, developers) and to TRX holders seeking to maximize the return on their investment. Ergon is a community developed project, so expect cooperation and support to other projects that share our view of what the crypto industry should be. USTX users will have benefits, like lower energy prices and higher staking returns.



The application has a simple interface to enable renting energy and save on transaction fees.

  • Flexible duration: 1-7 days
  • Base price for 1 day, discount for longer periods
  • Zero energy required to rent for small amounts (contract pays fees)
  • Up to 10% discount for USTX stake holders
  • Dynamic pricing (depends on energy utilization rate and time between purchases)
  • Automatic release at expiration
  • Security deposit of 1 day of energy cost and automatic refund of the recovered energy (up to 100%)



The application has a simple interface to stake TRX and earn. The ERG token will be traded in exchange for TRX and allow extended book-keeping and additional DeFi uses.

  • Deposit TRX and get ERG in return at current exchange rate
  • ERG/TRX exchange rate will always increase, incorporating all system rewards
  • Holding ERG means real-time rewards accounting and auto-compounding. There’s no need to claim rewards and re-stake. Just relax and enjoy increasing wallet value.
  • 75% base share on energy profits
  • up to 25% additional return for USTX stake holders, resulting in 100% share on energy sales
  • TRX are locked for a period that depends on network parameters. Early unstake will be possible through other means (e.g. TRX/ERG liquidity pools on JustMoney and other DEXs).


All TRX staked in the contract will generate voting power. All votes will be cast to community driven Super Representatives. The USTX Team will support TuruGlobal SR from the beginning. ERG holders will be able to propose new SRs and on-chain voting will decide.

Tron blockchain integration

Ergon makes full use of the new Stake 2.0 methods, having created a fully decentralized energy marketplace and TRX earning platform. All operation are done through direct smart contract interaction by the user. When renting energy, the resources are delegated by the contract when receiving the TRX for the payment. No off-chain operations are needed. To keep the energy fees low, some housekeeping operations are kept off-chain and passed as parameters validated by authorized signatures. The same approach is used to manage the liquid staking of TRX in exchange for ERG. Everything is driven by the smart contract, reducing as much as possible the need for user interaction after staking starts. Once the TRX have been deposited, all rewards are automatically compounded in the ERG token value, so that users don't need to act at all. Interaction with the dApp is needed only for the bonus rewards, reserved for USTX holders.

Key points

  • Innovations: Ergon is the first liquid staking option on Tron to use a dynamic exchange rate between TRX and the liquid token (ERG in our case). This greatly simplifies the life of the energy provider, since it completely eliminates the need to claim rewards and compound them. Just HOLD! Ergon is the first energy renting service to feature dynamic pricing, based on energy utilization rate. Ergon is the only liquid staking app that gives up to 100% returns from energy sales to users;
  • Tech details: Ergon is fully decentralized, all resource delegation operations, TRX staking and voting are done on-chain inside smart contracts. The goal of the dApp is to remove all unnecessary complexity from the user.
  • Business Model: Users will benefit from energy renting, allowing saving on transaction costs. TRX providers will get a minimum 75% share of the energy sales. The remaining 25% goes to a jackpot reserved for USTX holders. The unclaimed jackpot and 50% of voting rewards go to the team to manage operating expenses.
  • User Experience: UI has been kept as simple as possible and shares the basic design with all other USTX ecosystem dApps, so that existing users can quickly learn how to use it. To rent energy a few clicks are needed and all information about the cost of the rent are clearly shown to the user.
  • Use Case: The increase of Tron chain fees have created more demand for energy renting. The existing marketplaces most of the time have unfilled orders. Ergon plans to expand the market offering a complete solution from casual users to energy hungry developers.
  • Contribution to the ecosystem: Ergon aims to help users reduce the cost of transactions, with a positive impact on all other decentralized applications. A simple and hassle free option for TRX suppliers could improve the overall stake rate, increasing the security of the network. Ergon supports community driven SR.

Smart contracts are on Mainnet

  • Ergon proxy: TU7ML54RKifiqECSnkaEgfPUJNvWfDoHTK
  • Ergon logic: TACWNjqHeFKeufPJvtHst36rfaP2eauwLp
  • Ergon relay: THbysanZ8nbpPabgWXm5HkQpt151RjhvTj

Project Milestones:

  • April 15th, deploy smart contracts on Mainnet and open basic dApp to users (energy renting functionality).
  • April 30th, deploy fully functional dApp (renting + staking)
  • May 15th, automatic price tuning and UI improvements
  • Mat 30th, ERG/TRX liquidity pool launch on Justmoney

Ergon Pitch Deck

Ergon dApp - Rent energy

Ergon TronDAO forum post