Updated 1219 days ago


As the dawn of blockchain and Web 3.0 has brought on decentralization, immutability, and transparency at levels unseen before, people are no longer content with authentication from controlling central authorities. Thus, the EthSign team finds a lot of value in creating a protocol that unifies these benefits with electronic signature services. With a suite of Web3 solutions that only recently come to maturity, we are rebuilding the electronic signature application from the ground up and expanding the use cases of digital signatures beyond signing contracts. On the surface, EthSign offers exactly the same signing experience as its Web2 counterpart. Users log in to our platform, upload documents, invite others to sign, modify documents, and complete signing.

  • Crypto / Web3
Jack Xu - jxu@ethsign.xyz - Ethereum developer with extensive experience with Solidity. Previously worked as a software engineer at numerous firms such as General Motors and Fidelity Investments. Proficient in solidity, iOS, python and java. Teaching assistant for USC’s blockchain course. Also was TA for USC’s iOS and Java courses . Was head teaching assistant for USC’s software development course (java). ‌ Potter Li - pli@ethsign.xyz - Former investment analyst at Fundamental Labs, a venture capital specialized in the Blockchain sector. President of Blockchain@USC, University of Southern California’s premier student-run blockchain organization focusing on education, community initiatives, and career development. ‌ Xin Yan - xin@ethsign.xyz - Former senior investment manager and blockchain engineer at Fundamental Labs and Huobi Group. Focusing on on-chain data analysis and smart contract design. Xin has tremendous experience with the underlying infrastructure of the Web3 tech stack. ‌ Claire Ma - clairema@ethsign.xyz - Former research assistant at NYU’s dynamic system lab and FuDan University in Shanghai. Extensive experience working as UI/UX design at Ebay and Mccann World-group Shanghai. Specializes in graphic design and branding. Very experienced with Sketch, Figma, InVision, Unity3D etc. ‌ Nicole Respecia - nicole@ethsign.xyz - Frontend engineer lead, former software engineer at Marti.so. Nicole is very experienced with ReactJS, Node.js, Javascript, HTML and many others. She had been involved with many tremendous projects such as E-jeep tracker, a website application that connects commuters and the jeeps by showing commuters the real time location of the jeep. Also project Moses, an early earthquake warning system analyzing P-waves and S-waves and notifies residents.