Hackathon Scope Description
For this hackathon, we overhauled the onboarding process and transaction flow for the Geo Web Cadastre (interface for the Geo Web's NFT land market) to take advantage of all that account abstraction has to offer. Our hackathon scope included:
- Social login (signer account) via Auth Kit & Web3Auth
- Geo Web-sponsored Safe (smart account) initialization via Gelato 1Balance
- Batched transactions via MultiSend (wrap ETH to ETHx, authorize token transfer, authorize Superfluid token stream, & land parcel transaction/claim)
- Paying ongoing gas fees from the user's Safe via Relay Kit & Gelato SyncFee
These changes make the Geo Web dramatically more accessible to new users and open up possibilities for power users (e.g. privacy). It reduced the number of distinct transaction submissions required to make a parcel claim/bid from 4 (wrap ETH to ETHx, approve ERC20 allowance, approve Superfluid stream allowance, & mint/bid) to just 1!
Looking forward, we plan to add the Stripe fiat-to-crypto onramp when it becomes available on Optimism. Support for ETHx gas payments with SyncFee will allow us to completely abstract away the difference between ETH & ETHx too.
Demo Note: We have not yet implemented Safe/smart account control of Geo Web parcel Ceramic streams, so content changes (e.g parcel name & content link) don't yet persist.
Tracks Applied For
- Safe
- Gelato
- Web3Auth
- Superfluid
Ongoing Project Description
The Geo Web is a set of protocols that build public consensus for geospatial augmented reality.
Think of Pokemon Go but rather than just a siloed application, relevant & composable content, applications, & information are discoverable at physical-world locations through a universal spatial browser (like a web browser that uses GPS instead of URLs).
We use a novel property rights system (partial common ownership/Harberger taxes) to administer a fair & productive market for who can anchor content where in the world on the network. Instead of installing apps on a device, publishers anchor “apps” to locations on Earth for all visitors to experience in augmented, shared reality.
100% of the funds collected through the land market are allocated to public goods and the creation of positive externalities through market incentives.
With this model, we can bootstrap a coherent open spatial web browsing experience that challenges the app stores & attention economy algorithms for supremacy in the metaverse era.