Would you like to fund cool web3 projects but don’t know which ones are good? Need funding for your web3 project but don’t know where to go? Join DaoSeeder.com: A decentralized crowdfunding platform with trust. DaoSeeder.com allows you to escrow funding to a project to be delivered only if the project is a success.
To create a Campaign, enter in the details of your campaign with visuals and links to your website or project description. Enter your ERC20 governance token that the project plans to deliver as a thank you to those who fund you.
Once you are in your campaign you can create a Stage. These are smaller milestones for your project that can be tracked and voted on. Enter in the deliverables you promise, the time you promise to deliver and set the goal amount you want to be funded. Deposit some ERC20 tokens to thank your funders. Once started, anyone can fund your project using the native network currency.
Once the deadline has passed, the stage goes into voting mode. Funders vote on the project’s success of achieving its deliverables. If there are more yes votes than no votes when the voting ends, the stage is a success! The owners claim their funding, and funders claim their tokens.
That’s all there is to it. Enable the success of web3! DaoSeeder.com.