Updated 581 days ago


Lumi is a protocol that helps God believers better unite, donate, and share the Gospel.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • NFT
  • GameFi
  • Metaverse
  • X-2-Earn
  • TON

When believers use our dApp to pray/read the bible, they can get tokens to donate to charity projects. People who have made contributions to the same project will get a badge(SBT) to find their community. Privacy is protected by zero-knowledge proof. The core of Lumi is to use the token form of consensus to generate practical value in web3, which is to realize the visualization of spiritual power, expand influence, build trust, and find community, by pioneering a new way to better connect with people and share the Gospel. Each time you donate with the token, you unite and help Christians all over the world. The more people unite to help, the higher the value of token will be. We've gained 1 million Christian followers on TikTok clusters in 7 weeks.