Our platform solution offers an Artificial Intelligence-based object detection system that utilizes IPFS, Aptos, Livepeer and Tron for real-time DAO tooling, Ethereum and optimism powered solutions for sorting information obtained from a variety of UAV and drone cameras deployed at monitoring spots.
•Detection : Identifying the UAVs in the video feed using object detection.
•Discovery : Logging the identities of UAVs flying in a particular air space at any instant of time, using exchange of unique identifiers.
•Geo-fencing : Discovering unlawful presence and raising alarms using the detection & discovery data.
•Monitoring : Looking out and reporting incidents based on event detection in visual data.
•Analysis : Analyzing route patterns and incidents.
•Drone Incident Reporting : Publish drone incident reports.
Website for Developers: https://sites.google.com/view/latcglobal/home
Website for End Consumers, Civic bodies: https://sites.google.com/view/integratedwatermanagment/home
Pitch Deck and Demo: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/3/folders/1xYwivgACmcjNkhMEJA69DsKisXUIEIde
We have developed an Integrated Management solution to improve Water and Transport Monitoring by UAVs powered by web3 eco-system tools:
Livepeer and Aptos: We are using Livepeer ondemand service to enable effective management and communication setup for Drones utilized in Operations and Maintenance across multiple regions. Drones can be effectively utilized with Livepeer's ondemand support for building operations, inspection and maintenance and safer and more efficient surveys. Please visit Livepeer integration with Aptos and also minting Livepeer Video NFT at Aptos as follows: a. Aptos: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/Water-ICM/tree/main/BSC-Smart-Contract-Implement and https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/Water-ICM/tree/main/BSC-Smart-Contract-Implement/social-drone-data-framework-apt-livepeer
b. Livepeer: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/Water-ICM/tree/main/Solution-Model-ICM-Planner/livepeer
c. Livepeer Video NFT: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/Water-ICM/tree/main/Solution-Modules/livepeer-video-nft
Demo Video: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/3/folders/1qmLJX-RwLCqA3uRidyC_OSUS5AkSp2mC
Optimism NFT marketplace and Scalability of Decentralized Public Goods Mobility Network Enablement using Optimism Eco-system and Tools: Optimism NFT marketplace for drone and UAV spare parts and also for early-stage detection and prevention of incidents; NFC tags of UAVs for enabling sharing of government assets and service/repair of vital assets. Improving Data Transparency in Incident Management Using Ethereum Blockchain, IPFS and Optimism NFT marketplace. Optimism NFT marketplace for NFC tags of UAVs for enabling sharing of government assets and service/repair of vital assets: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/Water-ICM/tree/main/Solution-Modules/optimism-nfc-tag-nft-marketplace We are also using Optimism to enable scaling of the decentralized public goods mobility network and effective management and communication setup for Drones utilized in Operations and Maintenance across multiple regions. Drones can be effectively utilized for building operations, inspection and maintenance and safer and more efficient surveys. We are extending and adapting our platform for connected vehicles in Europe for sustainability and efficiency. We are currently working on a dataset of 15000 trips, 45+ trucks and 175+ drivers and enabling them to achieve better fleet management using drone monitor. We wish to use Optimism for scaling the solution for the current dataset.
Klaytn Monitor: Klaytn Monitor is a DeFi dashboard that allows drone owners and drone controllers to search their address and view their drone token holdings and balance, also available is the ability for owners to view their drone services and associated NFT holdings and their balance(s) and price if available. Please visit https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/Water-ICM/tree/main/Solution-Model-ICM-Planner/klaytn-monitor
c. Aleo quotation and water maintenance management: Aleo Quotation, Bidding, voting and token management for contract work undertaken by contractors and aerial traffic controllers developers from Ministry of Aerospace or Aerial Transportation, administrators on Aleo Network. We are also extending Aleo's auction, vote and token examples for enabling sharing of government assets like aerial traffic routes, drone details information for geolocation and travel routes, drone license management and quarterly maintenance check and control.
Please visit: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/Water-ICM/tree/main/Solution-Model-ICM-Planner/water-maintenance-quote-mgmt
Demo Videos:
UAV Monitor (Screencast): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3TQlEsxfo&t=3s
UAV Monitor for Integrated Water Management: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqR-I70UT1I&t=1s
End Node Commissioning using NFC tag and iot modular gateway (Hardware Demo): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNKONKA2sow
Notable Achievements: Aptos Challenge winner at Encode Next Video Build Hackathon (https://twitter.com/encodeclub/status/1616471654271434753)