Updated 749 days ago


Next Generation Liquidity Platform

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Mina
  • Uniswap
  • DeFi
  • L2
  • Sharding
  • Liquid Staking
  • Infra / API
  • ZK

SmooSwap is a next generation liquidity platform providing 'Aggregation as a Service'.

SmooSwap is a next generation liquidity platform providing Agreggation as a Service to both business and consumers. DeFi deserts have been a growing issue across L1 & L2 ecosystems and SmooSwap removes these barriers by providing cross-chain liquidity with higher execution speed and lower cost. We aim to eliminate the bridging and liquidity security issues that have been the largest loss drivers in the crypto market in 2022.

The on-chain component is a set of smart contracts that keep record of all transaction history and state transitions happening within SmooSwap. To achieve the best security, SmooSwap leverages zero-knowledge proof techniques (i.e. zk-SNARK), which enables a simple verification of the blockchain state. SmooSwap’s hybrid off-chain, on-chain design also reduces the cost of storage and avoids unnecessary exposure of user actions. The off-chain processes include the frontend user interface, backend core, and the cross-chain coordinators. In short, most computation is done off-chain for better efficiency and user experience, and necessary information including zk proofs are submitted to and verified by the on-chain contracts.

SmooSwap is seeking to provide an integrated 'Aggregation as a Service' to L1 and L2 ecosystems, delivering cross-chain liquidity: secure, fast, and low-cost.