Updated 871 days ago


Relational Database Management built on top of IPFS/Filecoin and FilSwan MCS.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • IPFS

To onboard more developers into the web3 space we need to provide tools that most developers are familiar with. Relational databases are the most widely used database option in development of systems and are a very powerful tool for handling data.

Although there exist database options on IPFS like OrbitDB which handle key-value stores, we do not have a robust relational database framework in the web3 space which results in may developers using the traditional web2 database options like MySQL and Postgres.

We are working on creating a Relational Database on IPFS using FIlSwan and subset of SQL called CooperQL which will act as a Domain Specific Language for the CooperDB frame work. After every request which changes the state of the data loaded from IPFS a new commit is done and the CID is updated.

Available database queries for the current iteration:

  • create database
  • create table
  • all CRUD operations on rows
  • Joins (inner, outer, left, right)