Our team is from a Web2 online story-gameplay application with 30 million users and thousands of professional content creators. We propose FindTruman platform, which use Web3 thinking to solve the current issues in Web2 (i.e. the profit distribution problem, the piracy problem, ...). Our team is located in Singapore and Shanghai. We are very looking forward to sharing our project with others at the Blockchain Gaming 2022 Summit in Singapore.
“Story-gameplay” (also known as “Script-Murder”) is a new popular gaming form which is characterized by the strong immersion with first perspective, content-based, social networking attributes, etc. FindTruman try to build a STEAM-like co-creation story-gameplay platform in Web3. It aims to provide infrastructure and focus on the User-Generated Content to produce stories and other interesting content in the form of story-gameplay.
FindTruman platform contains UGC Editor platform and Story-gameplay platform. In this hackathon, we have implemented the first version of UGC Editor on Klaytn and Solana, which integrates the idea of co-creation tokenomics. It could provide high-quality contents for the Story-gameplay platform we built before. Through co-creation and incentives, the efficiency and quality of content creation can be greatly improved. Therefore, the story-gameplay will be injected more high-quality contents and forms a positive cycle.
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Cofounders of FindTruman
Our team is located in Singapore and Shanghai.
- Findwill(CEO, Co-founder of FindTruman): Founder of a Web2 online story-gameplay application with 30 million users and thousands of professional content creators.
- Lyon(CTO, Co-founder of FindTruman): Got his PhD in France, and will continue his research in University of California.
- Bing(CMO, Co-founder of FindTruman): Got her PhD in France, and are invited as academic scholar by National University of Singapore.
Background and Motivation
The story-gameplay (also known as Script-Murder) is becoming popular in recent years. Based on story, the player act as one of the story roles, and interact with others to achieve the ultimate goal from the first perspective. It is characterized by the strong immersion, content-based, social networking attributes, etc.
Our team starts story-gameplay Web2 project from 2017 and became one of the top brand in this category. We have accumulated 30 Million Web2 online users, nearly 100 offline studios which can give story-gameplay offline play service to customers in different cities.
The story-gameplay has its own ecosystem roles, including creator, publisher, service provider, player, pirate and Info platform. With the rapid growing, this industry encounters several issues which need to be solved urgently, for example:
- The piracy problems;
- The story price cannot be correlated with actual popularity;
- The creators only get a small part of the story selling;
- The players have no way to be profitable.
These issues limit the development of the whole industry. We believe that the content creators and players need to receive more incentives in the whole economic system as they contribute their innovative ideas and active participation to the whole system. We found that the Web3 and blockchain technology is very suitable to solve the problem and can give an explosive growth for the production of high quality contents through adequate incentive for the creators and players. This is the main motivation of our team to build this project.
A brand new blockchain gaming form
In the story-gameplay, the players act as one of the story roles, and interact with each other from the first perspective to experience a new piece of life. The story-gameplay is not just a game, it belongs to the content entertainment industry which could be equivalent to the film industry. Its life cycle is much longer than gaming. The story-gameplay uses GAME as the carrier and allows users to obtain CONTENT by acting as the story role from the first perspective. This experience will bring a strong sense of immersion to players to experience different lives. The story-gameplay, integrating “CONTENT”, “Games”, “IP”, “Social networking”, is deeply favored by Gen Z. Currently, the story-gameplay is the Social King of Gen Z.
FindTruman is devoted to build the first STEAM-like story-gameplay co-creation platform in Web3. In Web2, we have more than 30 Million registered users on our APP, 1,500 authors in contract, 20 thousand story copyrights. However, we encountered several issues like the profit distribution problem, the piracy problem... We found that the blockchain technology is very suitable to solve these current issues in Web2 story-gameplay industry. With blockchain technology, we further clarify the proof-of-stake and incentive mechanism to make the creators and players more profitable, which can give an explosive growth for the production of high quality contents and forms a positive cycle.
What do we build?
FindTruman platform contains UGC Editor platform and Story-gameplay platform. In this hackathon, we have implemented the first version of UGC Editor on Klaytn and Solana which integrates the idea of co-creation tokenomics. It could provide high-quality contents for the story-gameplay platform we built before. The creator can freely publish the story content and story NFT on the corresponding chain according to the community ecosystem they want to attract.
Based on the co-creation tokenomics we designed, the proof-of-stake and the incentive mechanism of story-gamplay could be clarified. For creators, their income is directly correlated to the story’s popularity. Depending on the content quality, the creator’s income can be increased significantly. For players, they could hold the story proof-of-stake which will make them profitable.
More details about UGC Editor platform and Story-gameplay platform are shown as following:
(1) UGC Editor Platform
In UGC Editor Platform, the creators could co-create their contents and release their story NFT, including:
1) Story content on chain
The creators can freely create their stories and update the stories according to the feedbacks, and also invite the players to decide the plot development by voting. All the story contents, updates and votes will be recorded on chain.
2) Release Story NFT
The creator could release story NFT on the corresponding chain according to the community ecosystem they want to attract. For players, they could purchase their interested story NFT to become the early adopter. Story NFT holders will be deeply bound with this story, enjoy the whole plot and even obtain future rewards from the story NFT. For creators, their income will directly be linked to the story popularity which will incentivize the production of higher quality content.
3) Co-creation with Story NFT
Based on story NFT, the co-creation will happen in two situations:
- The creator could invite the story NFT holders to decide the plot development by voting, and the holders could put forward new plot proposals for the author's reference.
- The creators could set the co-creation tasks, like translation, illustration design or 3D construction, and incentive others with story NFT to join the co-creation procedure.
By this way, the community with good adhesion can be created. At the end of this procedure, the story will have a high quality content or IP with their first fans.
4) IPFS Storage
We use IPFS technology to effectively protect the story content and encourage content creation.
In UGC Editor platform, all the descriptive contents (i.e. the story title, content, cover) will be stored in IPFS system, while the user's ownership of the corresponding content(i.e. the author name, the Hash ID of the story content, the status of story NFT, etc.) will be recorded on blockchain.
Moreover, during the co-creation process, all the task description published by the creator, the work submitted by the applicants will be stored in IPFS, while the relevant ownership like the publisher’s name, the task status will be recorded on blockchain.
(2) Story-gameplay Platform
1) Enjoy the unprecedent gaming experience
The completed story on UGC Editor platform will be released on the story-gameplay platform for public to experience. The players will be immersed in 3D scenes, act as one of the story roles, interact with other players to collect the scattered information, unlock the hidden clues, make reasoning and reveal the truth, just like playing a movie. The story-gameplay, which combines the strong sense of immersion, various story contents, thrilling reasoning experience and social networking, will bring the players unprecedent gaming experience.
2) Obtain incentives
With our designed tokenomics mechanism, players need to pay for the tickets of story-gameplay, and they could get more rewards if they have an excellent performance. The ticket sales of story-gameplay will be shared to its Story NFT holders. During the early stage of the construction, we will encourage creators and players by ejecting more rewards with FindTruman Eco Funds.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
For testing the Web3 users’ interests in this new gaming form, in the past few months, we completed the four story-gameplays with the combination of the 3D scenes and NFT badge incentives.
(1) Our first co-creation story-gameplay in Web3 is through a real-time story live show in Twitter. Here are the replay of our first story-gameplay(Alpha test): https://twitter.com/search?q=(%23FT_Alpha_Test)%20(from%3AThomas26670%20OR%20from%3AAngelic25314540%20OR%20from%3AAxe509%20OR%20from%3AVincent10679122%20OR%20from%3AFindTruman)&src=typed_query&f=live , in which we arrange 6 NPCs, and each of whom has his own Twitter account. The whole story is developed by their communication and interaction through Twitter. In the whole process, the players have the rights to decide the directions of the story by voting with their NFT and interact with NPCs in real time.
(2) Another story-gameplay form is through the combination with 3D scenes. To let people understand and interact better with the story, we develop several stories with 3D scenes, and co-host with TOP NFT communities. Here are the 3D scenes we have built:
- Black-water Lake: https://findtruman.io/fcc/scenes/game-black-water/
- Scarlet Church: https://findtruman.io/fcc/scenes/game-scarlet-church
- Metaverse Carnival: https://findtruman.io/fcc/scenes/game-the-trip
In these 3D scenes, the players can know about the story background, and participate by collecting clues, communicating with the NPCs, finding some hidden clues in the scene to help them to explore the story. Through this way, players will have a more profound interaction with the story and can participate in some extend the development of the story.
Through the accomplishments above, we built our initial community with nearly 16K community members in our Discord and 22K followers on our Twitter. Furthermore, we cooperaed with many TOP Web3 communities in content creation and co-hosting story-gameplays. For example, Loot build the sub-channel "LootMan" for FindTruman to create Lootverse stories; We co-host 3D scene story-gameplays successfully with Mask Network, WeirdoGhostGang, Rivemen and other excellent communities.
What's next for FindTruman
Complete more functions and improve FindTruman UGC Editor platform, e.g. adding the function about 3D scene collaborative editing, developing the AIGC(Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) engine, optimizing the user interaction process, etc.
Improve and implement a complete Tokenomics mechanism with NFTs and Tokens. Construct a complete ecosystem of content creators, 3D scene creators, service providers and players for our Metaverse Theater.
Make marketing promotion in different regions to attract more community members, writers and creators to expand community.