Updated 805 days ago

NuLink Network

NuLink provides privacy-preserving technology for decentralized applications via APIs. We enable and make it easy for developers, startups, small businesses and enterprises to build their own applications with all the best security and privacy practices

  • Crypto / Web3
  • BNB Chain
  • Polygon
David Jiao (CEO) Over 10 years experience in automotive and AI industry. Entrepreneur experience of founding startups both in Sweden and China , successfully raised a few rounds of investment and as CPO of Golden Ridge Robotic was responsible for a series of autonomous products. Pawn( CTO) 10 years experience in professional algorithm design and development in Blockchain and Privacy Computation Lab in both China and the US. PHD in Applied Mathematics, his research focuses on Multi-Party Computation including ZKP and FHE. Blockchain solution architect. Daniel Nilsson B2B expert. CEO of Up Strategy Lab, Co-Founder of MuchSkills, Co-founder & Operations Leader of One Life Dreams. Previously Chief Commercial Officer of Appland, Chief Marketing Officer of Mentice and COO of Appgate (Former Cryptzone). Noel Braganza Design Director. Co-Founder and Product Owner of MuchSkills, Co-Founder of Up Strategy Lab. Previously Design Director of The Techno Creatives and Interaction Designer of Design Lab in MIT at Cambridge USA. Rookie Blockchain and Cryptographic Researcher. Currently pursuing PHD degree in cryptography from UCAS. Expert in ZKP and FHE. Sam Senior Blockchain Developer; Cryptography Geek; ETH layer 2 researcher, core code contributor of Nest and Compound; technical advisor of ZKSWAP and other Defi programs.