Free Play And Earn Cross-Verse Battle Royale
Knightiny - Game with DeFI and NFT tech. where players use their own any playable NFTs from any metaverse for playing.
Unreal Engine + Metamask + Multiverse = Knightiny
- $56mln from Gaming Assets, Boost Pass, Multipass fee, Tiny Cup from 250K gamers per year.
- Integration with EpicStore, Steam and other gaming platforms.
- Knightiny secured with Multiverse Game, NFTs from any Metaverse, metamask integration, multichain system, token deflation mechanism and token burn system, Battle Passes, Championships…
Since ancient times, the battles for the kingdom did not stop, the peoples of the knights came up with new tricks to capture the world, and once in the middle kingdom, a scientist found a stone that absorbs all the light. In the lab, while trying to cut it up for testing, he injured himself and threw it against a wall. At that moment, the wall burst into flames, and luminous spaces appeared with an absorbing effect. It was a portal to another metaverse; he decided to look into a completely different world, but with features very similar to his own. The portal began to close, and he quickly threw his head back. But he could not stand it and threw the stone again; A portal to another metaverse has opened, and there...
- Tiny Lands for Crafting Pets and Mining Plasma.
- NFT Characters for wining Plasma resources.
- Battle Pass for multiply collected resources.
Combining a video game with NFT ownership, a DeFi - economy, DAO governance, guilds, and cross-metaverse, we're turning the multiverse into a world we've always wished existed. Join us, and help shape the new world.
Your free to choose your role.
Fighter. Are you want to win the matches and collect resources? Good! Pick your NFT and fight!
Landlord. Are you want to mine and combine plasma from resources? Good! Pick your Land and get!
Trader. Are you want to trade NFTs, resources and plasma? Good! Open the DEX account and trade!
Uni. Are you want to fight, combine and trade? Good! Pick NFT for fight, Land for mining and combining, DEX account for trading!
Capture The Flag Your main goal is to capture as many flags as possible to win and gain control of the kingdom and plasmid production. There are five flags in total; the flag gives more points in the 4th corner and the middle. First, you will be at the base and, together with your team, determine the goal of the capture along the way; you will encounter other players and collect resources.
Battle Royale On the way to capture the flags or while defending the flag, you will disable other players and collect resources from them to receive a reward after the victory.
Collecting You will collect resources by disabling players, capturing flags and activity on the map by searching from boxes or disabling dragons.
Crafting You can find here how to use all the houses on your land.
We want to let you know that you can make plasma from the resources you get during the game, which will bring you profit. Play well, collect and earn.
Economy For community The economy is entirely community-owned-and-governed. TINY token is the currency of the land ring, with each ring having an initial max supply of 1,000,000,000 TINY (which can be changed by a DAO vote if supply is excessively low due to burns). With each new cycle, as the ring economies are connected via trade routes, the total supply of TINY grows by that 1B (over time as it's minted). The more rings exist, the less of an inflationary effect this has relative to total supply due to burns. A better economic system KNIGHTINY is a game and community built primarily for fun. As crypto degens and gamers, our goal is to use cryptocurrency to create something that gamers will really enjoy. The game can replace your current cash flow, maybe for many, and at the very least reward you for contributing to the community and the game you enjoy. As you play and earn, you will have the option to burn the TINY token (thus reducing the supply). Basically, it's a way of simulating the real world where things cost money, but with this model there won't be inflation.
The difference is that you don't pay corporations, you aim to reduce inflation, you pay into the community treasury, or you reward your fellow players. This is a people-centered economy, and we like to participate in it rather than lament the concentration of wealth and the exploitation of the modern world. Just by playing, you create something more.
Player Cycle
The path will repeat until you take control of the middle ground, which will give your faction discounts and resource boosts.
Stage 1: Mint NFT Character
Take your TINY to mine resources that will bring you profit and improvements.
As most of the TINY used to activate avatars in the game burns down, a major deflationary event occurs at this stage.
Stage 2: Mint Land plots
Landlords mint their 20,000 land plots in this stage and begin mining TINY tokens. Build Houses for generating more recourses, items and assets. Each transaction will burn a portion of the sent token, which will not hurt the overall fee and keep the economy deflationary, so you don't overpay for an asset just because it's being traded a lot.
Over time, players can declare themselves and apply for the DAO Consulate to make decisions, along with the developers and be part of the Senate. The total supply of TINY is 1,000,000,000.
Stage 3: Begin Play
Start playing as a fighter, landlord or both and get more resources by converting them into plasma for travel or token generation.
Stage 4: Battle Pass
Double the amount of resources you get or find NFT fragments with a battle pass that you can create at the Blacksmith House, find or purchase at the auction house.
Stage 5: Championships
Сhampionships with the participation of willing teams, fighting for tokens, and additional temporary improvements in the game.
There are several types of resources in the game that you can trade for mining, crafting, speeding up and minting TINY.
Plasmid - Which, when split, turns into multiplasma or traveling plasma.
Blueprints of NFT weapons - Parts of NFT, combining which you will collect one NFT.
NFT Pet Parts - Parts of NFT, combining which you will collect one NFT.
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