Background 1: Managing Web3 accounts could be cumbersome, unfriendly to users, and vulnerable to hacking. Based on research by ChainAnalysis, the number of lost bitcoins due to account loss reached 3.79 million($150 billion).
Background 2: Web3 Dapps cannot access users’ Web2 profiles and social graphs in a decentralized, verifiable, and private way.
The key problem: account systems in web2 and web3 are natively separate, technically unconnected, and even inherently in conflict with their value.
What it does
Keysafe Protocol is the missing layer between Web2 and Web3 that connects users' Web2 and Web3 accounts in a decentralized, verifiable, and private way. With the connection, users can authorize DApp to access their own Web2 data through the Web3 signature in a trustless and verifiable way, and can also manage and restore their Web3 keys through the Web2 verification.
How we built it
Keysafe has been deployed on Solana, Boba, and Polakdot. The contract provides the registration function of the Keysafe node. The public key of the node's TEE environment can be verified on the contract. If the node has any misconduct, the contract will also deduct the node pledge accordingly. At the same time, users can authorize Web2-Web3 Profile in the Keysafe contract.
The Keysafe protocol uses Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC), Threshold BLS Signatures, and Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) technology to manage private keys and allows owners to access with a customized combination of Web2 third-party authentication services including SMS, email, Google, and even Web3 address.
Keysafe created Decentralized OAuth by combining TEE MPC and OAuth technologies. We named it “DAuth”. DAuth allows users to complete the authentication of profiles such as Google, Twitter, Github, etc., and connet them with the user's Web3 account in a decentralized way.