Updated 1003 days ago

My Graffiti Wall NFTs

NFTs r/place style

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Polygon

MY NFT Graffiti Wall

NFTs Meet r/place

My Graffiti Walls are non-static NFTs that can be graffitied (a limited number of times). Anyone can create their own by going to https://new-minter-tutorial.theohal.repl.co/.

Make your Graffiti Wall for anyone to graffiti or graffiti you're friends and enemies' Graffiti Walls (and get a static NFT of your edit)

Each Graffiti Wall is connected with a collection of NFTs that contain its history. Each Graffiti Wall can be graffitied 15 times before it is locked forever as a static NFT. ONLY 20 Graffiti Walls can be made in this limited public alpha of the project.

How it works: There is one main collection that holds all of the variable (non-static) Graffiti walls. Any one can go to bit.ly/MyGraffitiWall and make their own variable Graffiti Wall. Each graffiti wall has a link to a website that lets users mint new edit nfts. A user can upload a png with a transparent background and the same resolution as the wall and this image will be added on top of the current Graffiti wall. A static "history of wall" nft of this change will be given to the graffiti-er. It works because my api serves the most resent static "history of wall" nft as the metadata image. All images are stored on IPFS.

Interesting Links to see it in action: Example Wall:


The Edit page (also has most up to date Metadata; opensea is behind):

https://new-minter-tutorial.theohal.repl.co/graffitiWall?tokenId=1 The collection will all this history:
