When Selena came to UoftHacks 12, she brought her camera because she needed an excuse to take photos. At home, she lacks the motivation to takes photos not because she doesn't like to do so, but the lack of inspiration and experience. The theme "perspective" was a great opportunity to change her situation by looking through a different lens.
What it does
SnapQuest is a live website that generates new photography prompts in your local community. These prompts are set in a specific location which challenges photographers to capture the idea within the boundary. Users can upload their photo to the location and view other submissions for further inspiration.
How we built it
Oracle Cloud, MongoDB, TailwindCSS, Cloudflare R2, Bun, Express.js, Auth0, Mapbox, GitHub, GitHub Actions, ESLint, TypeScript
Accomplishments we're proud of
What we're proud of in SnapQuest specifically is implementing extra features such as the generative prompts and 3D buildings into our project.
What's next for SnapQuest
If we do plan on expanding SnapQuest in the future, we would create personal profiles pages so showcase information such as portfolio and contact information. This could give creators opportunities for collaboration and commissions.