Updated 67 days ago

NFT-platform utilizing FHE Vickrey Auction

The vision of this project is to revolutionize decentralized auctions by incorporating Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) to ensure the privacy and security of bid amounts, while allowing transparent and trustless NFT bidding on the blockchain.

  • Crypto / Web3

The platform where NFT auctions are secure and private. Vickrey auction model powered by FHE ensures that bid amounts remain hidden and encrypted throughout the process, protecting user privacy. This approach ensures that even the platform itself cannot access sensitive bid data, eliminating any potential for manipulation or breaches.

The deployment on Cypher Testnet further reinforces our commitment to innovation and scalability, providing a robust environment for testing and refining the platform’s capabilities. As a result, creators can maximize their revenue, bidders can participate confidently, and the marketplace provides security and innovation.

Presentation link:

Figma: https://www.figma.com/proto/HeEJpngHIElT3G2ZcezQNI/ETHeroes-Project?page-id=84%3A172062&node-id=84-172073&node-type=frame&viewport=619%2C798%2C0.13&t=9MVBvU5ObzPtzVLk-1&scaling=contain&content-scaling=fixed

Google Drive : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v2wDCGycg6blKsg2wICMpoUarpotDgEK/view?usp=sharing

Github: https://github.com/Karynageek/anonymous-nft-auction