Updated 54 days ago

Quantum Cloud

Calculating and visualizing multi-electron orbitals

  • Quantum Computing
  • Quantum Algorithms
  • Quantum Chemistry

Members 5

This year, we all made a shocking revelation that fundamentally shifted our worldview, upended our sense of stability and shattered our conceptions. We discovered that generations of physics & chemistry teachers were nothing more than bald-faced liars whispering comforting truths about the nature of reality to gullible children who readily and uncritically accept whatever they are told. Specifically, we learnt that electrons do not in fact orbit the atom in circular orbits like a planet its sun, as we had been told time and time again since the hazy memories of our youth, but existed rather as probabilistic clouds that surround the nucleus and are parameterized by 4 quantum numbers. The Schrodinger equation allows us to find the analytical formula for the wavefunction of an atom with a single electron and predicts these quantum numbers (except for spin). Once we have multiple electrons, however, we must account for the repulsion between them. This leads to a multi-body problem which we cannot solve analytically, as each electron influences and is influenced by each other electron.

We used the Hartree Fock method to solve for multi electron wave functions. We used python with scipy to calculate the wave functions and then exported them to the Unity game engine to visualize them.

