Updated 100 days ago


Affiliate system to promote trading on Osmosis

  • Crypto / Web3
  • CosmosHub
  • Osmosis
  • DeFi
  • Social
  • Crypto Adoption
  • Neutron
  • Mantra

Members 4



Decentralized Marketing for the Interchain

Check Our Presentation

Multilayer marketing for Interchain protocols, a simple and straightforward solution to onboard and retain users in Osmosis and the Cosmos Ecosystem.

A Cosmos of dApps without users is just empty space, the growth and emerge of IBC chains is inevitable hence an increasing need for engaged and loyal users, referral methods to incentivize participation has proved successful with programs as big as Amazon Affiliates.

Mutually beneficial relationships between different organisms

Nature is always wise, interconnecting all of the organisms until the smallest contributor. The Symbiosis dApp benefits the interchain network introducing a multi-layer system for participation and fair revenue share, incentivizing its participants and strengthening the user base of Osmosis, a methodology that could be introduced in the interchain as a whole.

A straightforward and competitive system where users can create and share invite links to earn trading fees from their downline referrals, extending beyond the direct referral strengthening and extending the chain of invitees, while also introducing a gamified experience where users can keep track of top performers by competing for a place in the leaderboard.

How the revenues are shared

Every protocol should have a fees. Otherwise it will not generate revenues. We propose to share the fees with marketers. Every deal, transaction, purchase that is generate through an affiliation, will go through a revenue share program. User doesn't pay more for a product. Instead, a bit of the protocol fees will go to the affiliator generating the volumes. It's win-win!

The interchain of humans

Explore the future of humans symbiosis on the interchain.

