Updated 615 days ago

Tokenized Impact Bonds (TIBs)

Web3-Native ESG powered by Pay for Performance Smart Contracts

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • BNB Chain
  • Polygon
  • Filecoin
  • Arweave
  • IPFS
  • Infura
  • Dora Factory
  • Chainlink
  • Metamask

A platform for scaling evidence-based interventions. Fund social good based on public evaluation of impact.

  • Subscription funders provide recurring payments to fund outcomes in their cause area.

  • Redeemable and irredeemable Defi wealth fund wherein users earn rewards from consensus staking and use it to fund impact perpetually

Token Model

Lootbox (Semi-Fungible Token)

  • Lootboxes create a distributed pool of outcome funders.
  • Merge lootboxes to combine value and create guilds.
  • Accumulated contributions and cumulative impact measured by Tokenized Outcome Reports dropped to loot box holders.

Tokenized Outcome Reports TORs (Semi-Fungible Token)

  • Outcome reports evaluate impact arising from social good projects and document learnings.
  • Varying attributes include impact score, cause area, transparency of evaluation, strength of learnings, quality of AI generated art from word cloud of the report.
  • All TORs are applicable for a forced sale
  • The owner must pay a Harberger tax on the premium to raise price from mint value
  • TORs can be burnt to the DAO treasury to get utility tokens and add to the cumulative impact of the loot box.

Utility Tokens

  • A Reserve Currency backed by TORs of impactful and verified social outcomes.
  • The owner of the lootbox gets utility tokens based on the benefit to cost ratio of its cumulative impact. -Staking token for weekly expiring utility credits to vote on proposals and manage reputation using a continuous weighted quadratic system.
  • Utility tokens can be burnt to make impact bounties, commission evaluations, mint metaverse land, avatars, and other assets.

Value Proposition

  • Building a robust community of altruists.
  • Databases of effective social interventions.
  • Self-Sovereign autonomy.
  • Creating a Digital asset from social services.

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