Updated 21 days ago


GitBlockHub offers a solution to cover hosting costs for open-source repositories by integrating blockchain, turning contributions into valuable tokens rather than just stars or likes. These tokens can be traded or used to unlock features. Sponsorship is made easy, allowing users to support projects with a simple click, transferring tokens to developers or repositories. Security is top-notch, with face recognition for secure registration and fingerprint authentication for protecting payments and rewards. GitBlockHub retains all the familiar GitHub functionalities, now enhanced with blockchain security and rewards, fostering a vibrant open-source culture.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Injective
  • DAO / Community
Founder & Lead Developer: Joywin Pinto Role: Founder, Lead Developer, Visionary Architect Blockchain Expertise: Extensive hands-on experience in integrating blockchain in applications like DeFi and secure data storage. Key in designing GitBlockHub's token-based reward system. Full-Stack Development: Proficient in front-end and back-end, with successful launches of user-friendly, scalable web apps using React, Flask, and Web3.js for blockchain integration. Security & Authentication: Specialized in advanced security protocols, including face recognition and biometric authentication, directly influencing GitBlockHub’s secure processes. Open Source Contributor: Active in the open-source community, with deep insight into the value of contributions, inspiring the reward system that compensates contributors fairly.