Updated 21 days ago


GitBlockHub offers a solution to cover hosting costs for open-source repositories by integrating blockchain, turning contributions into valuable tokens rather than just stars or likes. These tokens can be traded or used to unlock features. Sponsorship is made easy, allowing users to support projects with a simple click, transferring tokens to developers or repositories. Security is top-notch, with face recognition for secure registration and fingerprint authentication for protecting payments and rewards. GitBlockHub retains all the familiar GitHub functionalities, now enhanced with blockchain security and rewards, fostering a vibrant open-source culture.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Injective
  • DAO / Community

GitBlockHub is a groundbreaking platform that transforms open-source contributions. By merging blockchain technology with GitHub's familiar features, it provides a secure, rewarding, and community-focused environment for developers, contributors, and sponsors.

Signup Page

GitBlockHub offers a personalized user experience, starting with name entry to create a personal connection and foster community.

Users can easily connect their cryptocurrency wallets for secure transactions and effortless token management, enabling them to track rewards and sponsorships.

During signup, users capture a picture to generate face encodings, which are securely stored in MongoDB, ensuring accounts are linked to real individuals for enhanced security.

Each user is assigned a unique random string that is XOR encrypted, with both the original and encrypted strings stored in MongoDB to protect sensitive data.

Fingerprint data is collected using a Mantra device and stored in MongoDB, facilitating seamless authentication for transactions and secure actions.

Login Page:

During login, GitBlockHub verifies user identity through face recognition by XORing the captured face encoding with the random string from signup. This process accommodates variations in lighting or angle.

Error correction codes help manage discrepancies in face encodings, ensuring accurate matches even if the captured image differs from the stored one.

After the XOR operation and error correction, the resulting face encoding is hashed for secure comparison, keeping sensitive data hidden.

Access is granted only if the hash matches the stored hash from registration. This dual-layer method, combining XOR operations and secure hashing, ensures that only legitimate users can log in.

File System:

GitBlockHub simplifies file management, allowing users to easily navigate repositories and download files, mirroring the GitHub experience for quick access to code, documentation, and assets.

The organized repository structure promotes efficiency with clear directories and search functions, making it easy to find specific files.

Version control enables seamless collaboration, letting multiple users track changes, review contributions, and manage pull requests.

The integrated Sponsor button allows users to financially support repositories or developers directly, ensuring contributors receive recognition.

Sponsorship payments are secured by fingerprint authentication, requiring identity verification before fund transfers. Once verified, transactions are processed safely, giving sponsors confidence in their contributions.

Issues and pull requests:

GitBlockHub features dynamic issues management with a bounty system that allows repository owners to set bounties on specific issues, incentivizing developers to resolve them. Contributors who submit successful pull requests receive tokens as direct compensation, promoting active participation.

For enhancements not tied to specific issues, repository owners can choose to reward contributors with tokens, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within the community.

The secure payment process employs fingerprint authentication for all token payments related to bounties and optional rewards. Repository owners must verify their identity before funds are transferred, ensuring that only authorized individuals can authorize payments. This security measure offers confidence to both owners and contributors, guaranteeing that transactions are safe and consensual.