Updated 39 days ago


Our goal is to make every effort count. Starting with developers, Youbet aims to ensure that every contribution to open-source code is fairly assessed, transparently recorded, and appropriately rewarded.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • DAO / Community
  • X-2-Earn
  • Infra / API

Project Overview

YouBet Task is a platform that automates reward distribution to open-source developers, tracking and recording their contributions to ensure fair and transparent compensation.

Our platform addresses a common issue in the Web3 world: many airdrops are distributed evenly, which is neither fair nor efficient, often requiring extensive manual effort to track contributions. With YouBet Task, contribution tracking and reward distribution are automated, allowing project owners to allocate rewards with precision, even down to individual commits.

Our ultimate goal is to build a world where every developer is fairly rewarded, inspiring greater creativity and innovation.

Core Features

  • Automated and Fair Reward Distribution: Track contributions in the open source community to ensure developers receive fair rewards.
  • On-chain Contribution Records and Profiles: Record every effort on the blockchain and create comprehensive developer profiles based on all contributions.
  • Simple Task Management Features: Includes contributor rankings, my tasks, claiming and canceling tasks, among other functionalities.
  • Collaborative Open Source Tutorials: Facilitate collaboration to create and share open source tutorials, showcasing the value and capabilities of our platform through collective effort.

How Github Contribution Based Reward Works?

In Youbet, our integration with GitHub is deep and fundamental to our operation. As shown in the diagram, GitHub issues are mapped directly to tasks within the Youbet platform, and each project corresponds to a GitHub repository. When a developer closes a GitHub issue through a pull request, Youbet automatically captures this event via a webhook and records the contribution on the blockchain. This mechanism ensures that contributions are tracked transparently and securely.

Once contributions are recorded, donations or other forms of revenue are distributed among contributors through a smart contract. The smart contract calculates the rewards based on the contributions made to the project, ensuring fairness and transparency in the distribution of rewards.

This seamless integration with GitHub means that as soon as a developer's pull request closes an issue, their contribution is logged and their share of any donations is immediately calculated and allocated, all without any manual intervention. This process leverages blockchain's immutability to maintain an accurate and public record of contributions, making every effort count and ensuring that rewards are distributed fairly based on actual work done.


Reward Example

Let's say a project on YouBet has three contributors:

  • User A completed 2 tasks.
  • User B completed 1 task.
  • User C completed 1 task.

When someone donates $100 to this project, YouBet automatically calculates the distribution based on the contributions made by each user.

The total number of completed tasks is 2 + 1 + 1 = 4.

User A's share: 2/4 * 100 = 50 EDUs.
User B's share: 1/4 * 100 = 25 EDUs.
User C's share: 1/4 * 100 = 25 EDUs.

So, the $100 donation is immediately distributed as $50 to User A, $25 to User B, and $25 to User C. This ensures that every contribution is fairly rewarded according to the effort made.

Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 12.08.13.png

Technology Stack

  • Frontend: React with TypeScript
  • Backend: Nest.js
  • Database: MongoDB & Kafka
  • EVM chain: Build on EDU Chain | Compiled and Published by Foundry
  • Powered by Youbet-Sdk
  • Heavily depends on Github APIs


Item Link
Live Demo youbet-task
Youbet Task youbet-task
Youbet SDK youbet-sdk
Youbet Contract youbet-core

Special shoutout to hackquest

Special thanks to Hackquest, it's the beginning of my adventure into Web3.