Updated 36 days ago

KiiChain V3 DEX

The First Production Ready Concentrated Liquidity DEX on Kii Chain

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Infura
  • Metamask
  • kiichain
  • kiichain

Production Ready DEX

Kiichain Decentralized Exchange (DEX) is the world’s first concentrated liquidity DEX designed to revolutionize the blockchain ecosystem. Leveraging a unaltered direct fork of Uniswap V3, this production ready DEX empowers users to trade and provide liquidity with security and efficiency.


Concentrated Liquidity: Liquidity providers can allocate capital within a specific price range rather than across the entire price curve. This allows increases capital efficiency.


Multiple Fee Tiers: Supports multiple fee tiers (e.g., 0.01%, 0.05%, 0.30%, and 1%) for different pools. This gives LPs the flexibility to choose their preferred fee tier based on the volatility of the asset pair.


Flexible Fee Earnings: Fees are proportional to the amount of liquidity provided. Adjust positions as the market price moves, maximizing earnings.


Non-Fungible Liquidity Positions: Liquidity positions in are represented as NFTs (non-fungible tokens) rather than fungible ERC-20 tokens. Each LP position is unique due to the customizable price ranges.


Contract Deployments

Contract Address
v3CoreFactoryAddress 0xbe4C021F8fD2be76dBE9DA6a000221ac6893aA3d
multicall2Address 0xC428059E5e2DdB7DbBfb32034EcdF43D171B54CB
proxyAdminAddress 0xD9De6d945F8191F44356cE6924Bbd3b6a2250b0C
tickLensAddress 0x5e7cda0b5F1d239e6eA03BEAEE12008Ba4184782
nftDescriptorLibraryAddressV1_3_0 0xe2060CbdE18b5e765c86e5Cd6EE68AF209a9faa7
nonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptorAddressV1_3_0 0xFE406d6c3fc0BB3a6D195b089eFADfc8658206D5
descriptorProxyAddress 0x27d50A564F75364EEd33Ba0B7E987d22CD556449
nonfungibleTokenPositionManagerAddress 0x0a875d1C72cb4e1CD61401c3C49f85Df45071f83
v3MigratorAddress 0xd647b2D80b48e93613Aa6982b85f8909578b4829
v3StakerAddress 0x3A3eD1Bd12753DB00f5C34C69f2ae6E78eacDb74
quoterV2Address 0xB461c05f76d7f919FF7A3Df2B0D2593F56538b4B
swapRouter02 0xF4347e5ebC916805ccC228095f4554C64ebC5b18