Updated 62 days ago


RunBro aims to motivate people to obtain healthier lifestyles by moving around daily, especially running. We plan to do this by offering incentives to those who put in efforts and achieve goals.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Chainlink
  • DAO / Community
  • Account Abstraction

Members 4


RunBro is a decentralized platform that rewards users for their physical activity by integrating the Google Fit API with a unique reward model. Users can buy and sell fitness-related items (such as shoes) while earning native tokens (RBT) based on their steps.


Key Technologies and Tools


Chainlink's decentralized oracle network provides reliable and secure data feeds and automation for our platform:

Chainlink Functions: Our GetStepsAPI contract uses Chainlink Functions to fetch daily step count data from external APIs, ensuring accurate and tamper-proof data.

Chainlink Automation: We leverage Chainlink Automation to manage periodic tasks such as reward distribution and slot management in our WethRegistry contract.

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We utilize OpenZeppelin's robust and secure libraries to implement key features in our smart contracts:

ERC20: Our RunBroToken is built using OpenZeppelin's ERC20 standard, ensuring compatibility and security. Ownable: We use the Ownable module to manage ownership and access control in our contracts.

ERC20Permit and ERC20Votes: These extensions add permit functionality and voting capabilities to our tokens, enhancing their utility and governance.

General Flow

Sequence User and Seller Registration

Users and sellers register on the platform, providing necessary details and undergoing KYC verification for sellers. Listing Shoes

Sellers list shoes on the marketplace, specifying details such as name, brand, cost, and quantity. Purchasing Shoes

Registered users can purchase listed shoes. Funds are held in escrow until the transaction is confirmed by both parties. Fetching Steps Data

Users fetch their daily steps data from an external API using the GetStepsAPI contract. This data is stored and used for reward distribution. Reward Distribution

Based on the steps data, users are rewarded with RunBroTokens. The reward distribution occurs daily at a specified time. Transaction Confirmation

Both buyers and sellers confirm the transaction. Once confirmed, funds are released from escrow to the seller. Claiming Rewards

Users who have purchased a certain number of shoes can claim additional RunBroTokens as rewards. Slot Management and Reward Distribution

The WethRegistry contract manages user slots and distributes rewards based on the reserve balance using Chainlink Automation. Reward Calculation and Distribution

The WethReward contract calculates and distributes rewards based on user activity and steps data. Contract Deployment

The DeployContracts script deploys and initializes all necessary contracts, including setting up DAO roles and permissions.

  1. Proposal System: DAO members can propose new sellers for registration on the platform. Proposals go through a voting process to determine whether the seller is approved.
  2. Voting System: DAO members can cast their votes either in favor of or against a proposal. The result of the vote will decide if the user gets registered.
  3. Registration: Once a proposal passes, the user is registered as a seller on the platform.

Contracts Address

RB Token Address 0x25A783d8C4bE8f1cBA93eead3780a44ED6B5cc02 WethRegistry Address 0x2b0a568Af4E8bCE83b84bc280dFA56eE27b0D53f MarketPlace Address 0x718c26243CC4d1B588eA10227F1BA867757d59C5 GetStepsApi Address 0xD06c8D24aC257b940c95Cbd487710d1e919c0B4E WethReward Address 0xF881344E3cb70E4402a6BB19eC680Bd2222f7061 KYC Address 0xccE7cfC3ef3E25D1A246e62360CABaaA8ee6520c

Learn More About RunBRO Here. RunBRO Docs