Updated 89 days ago

Drosera AVS Trap

Drosera trap for AVS (Active Validator Set) slashing detection

  • Crypto / Web3

AVS Slash Detection

This Trap aims to create a Drosera trap for detecting slashing incidents in the context of Active Validator Services (AVS) using EigenLayer,

I will first provide a brief of the mechanisms behind slashing and the implications of validator behavior in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Understanding AVS Slashing

What is AVS Slashing?

Slashing is a mechanism used in Proof of Stake (PoS) networks, including those using EigenLayer, to penalize validators for malicious behavior or significant negligence. This includes actions such as:

  • Double signing: A validator signs two different blocks for the same slot.
  • Prolonged inactivity: A validator fails to participate in consensus over a specified period.

The purpose of slashing is to maintain network security and reliability by deterring validators from acting maliciously or negligently. EigenLayer allows validators to restake their assets across multiple services, thereby increasing the risk of slashing if they misbehave in any of the services they validate.

Importance of Slashing Detection

Detecting slashing incidents is critical for maintaining trust and security within the network. A Drosera trap can automate the detection of these incidents, allowing for timely responses to potential threats.

Designing the Drosera Trap

The Drosera trap is a smart contract that monitors validator behavior and detects slashing incidents based on the following criteria:

  1. Signature Count: Track the number of signatures a validator has made in a given block.
  2. Activity Monitoring: Monitor the last active block of a validator to check for prolonged inactivity.
  3. Incident Reporting: Emit events when slashing is detected.

Explanation of the Code

State Variables

  • validatorSignatures: A mapping that tracks the number of signatures made by each validator.
  • lastActiveBlock: A mapping that records the last block number in which a validator was active.
  • THRESHOLD_BLOCKS: A constant that defines the number of blocks a validator can be inactive before being flagged for slashing.
  • MAX_SIGNATURES: A constant that sets the maximum number of signatures a validator can have in a single block without being flagged.


  • SlashingDetected: Emitted when a slashing incident is detected.
  • ValidatorUpdated: Emitted when a validator's data is updated.


  • isValid: Checks whether a validator's behavior is valid based on their signature count and activity. Returns false if an incident is detected.

  • updateValidatorData: Updates the validator's signature count and last active block. It also checks for slashing incidents after updating the data.

  • resetValidatorData: Resets the validator's data, which can be useful for reinitializing state after an incident.

Future improvements Scope

This smart contract serves as a Drosera trap for detecting AVS slashing incidents by monitoring validator activity and signature behavior. It can be integrated with additional incident response mechanisms, such as alerting systems or automated actions based on detected slashing incidents, ensuring the security and reliability of the AVS ecosystem.

Testing File

All test cases are passing image

To create a test file for the AVSSlashingTrap smart contract using Foundry, I have written a series of unit tests that validate the contract's functionality. These tests cover various scenarios, including updating validator data, checking for slashing incidents, and ensuring that the contract behaves as expected under different conditions.

Explanation of the Test File


  • The test file imports the forge-std/Test.sol library for testing utilities and the AVSSlashingTrap contract.

Contract Definition

  • AVSSlashingTrapTest is defined as the test contract, inheriting from Test.

Setup Function

  • The setUp function initializes a new instance of the AVSSlashingTrap contract before each test.

Test Cases

  1. testInitialValidatorState: Verifies that the initial state for a new validator is zero signatures and zero last active block.

  2. testUpdateValidatorData: Tests the updateValidatorData function to ensure it correctly updates the validator's signature count and last active block.

  3. testValidValidator: Checks that a validator with valid data is recognized as valid.

  4. testSlashingDetection:

    • Tests that exceeding the maximum allowed signatures results in a slashing incident.
    • Simulates inactivity by rolling the block number forward and checks if the validator is detected as slashed.
  5. testResetValidatorData: Tests the resetValidatorData function to ensure it resets the validator's state correctly.

  6. testMultipleValidators: Tests the functionality with multiple validators, ensuring that slashing detection for one validator does not affect the others.

Running the Tests

To run the tests, navigate to the project directory in your terminal and execute:

forge test

This command will compile the contracts and run the tests, providing output on the success or failure of each test case.

This test suite ensures that the AVSSlashingTrap contract behaves as expected under various scenarios, providing confidence in its functionality and reliability.