Updated 82 days ago

Remix IDE for EDU Chain Stylus & Code Verification API

Remix IDE Plugin for EDU Chain and Code Verification API for EVM+ Compatibility via Stylus on Arbitrum Orbit

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Aptos
  • Sui
  • NEAR
  • Arbitrum
  • Juno
  • Infra / API

Arbitrum has recently launched the Stylus feature, which supports Rust, C, C++, and more. Currently, it is implemented on the testnet, and once it launches on the mainnet, it will also be applied to Arbitrum Orbit, which means it will be applicable to EDU Chain as well.

Our team provides a plugin for EDU Chain that allows smart contracts written in Rust to be deployed via Remix IDE, along with a Code Verification API to verify these contracts.

Since Stylus is not yet applied to EDU Chain, we are submitting a demo of the actual working functionality on the Arbitrum testnet.

Remix IDE Plugin: https://remix.ethereum.org/?#activate=wds-code-remix

스크린샷 2024-07-17 오후 4.03.48.png

Code Verification API: https://api.welldonestudio.io/compiler/docs#/default/ArbitrumController_uploadVerificationSrc