Updated 78 days ago


Our vision is to stimulate the growth of the TON ecosystem and the development of non-standard tokens and financial instruments by encouraging investment in "high-potential tokens.” Such tokens may often be less “reliable”, but carry great value as opportunities for growth and development, promoting fundamentally new ideas. We are creating a new generation of tools in the TON ecosystem that allow us to reward users who invest in promising and “risky” tokens by creating special financial instruments. In our product, we use extensive insights from the rapidly growing TON infrastructure, using machine learning models and special BOLD algorithms to assess the landscape of TON tokens and financial algorithms.

  • AI / Robotics
Petr & Anton: Petr, MSc in mathematics, MSc in machine learning, 10+ years of experience in large corporations, startups, research and teaching as a startup founder, advisor, developer and machine learning specialist. Anton, PhD in Mathematics, 10+ years in research, software engineering, and machine learning. Experience in project/product management and as a startup founder.