Updated 75 days ago


Our vision is to stimulate the growth of the TON ecosystem and the development of non-standard tokens and financial instruments by encouraging investment in "high-potential tokens.” Such tokens may often be less “reliable”, but carry great value as opportunities for growth and development, promoting fundamentally new ideas. We are creating a new generation of tools in the TON ecosystem that allow us to reward users who invest in promising and “risky” tokens by creating special financial instruments. In our product, we use extensive insights from the rapidly growing TON infrastructure, using machine learning models and special BOLD algorithms to assess the landscape of TON tokens and financial algorithms.

  • AI / Robotics


It's simple:

  1. You buy any promising tokens because you believe in them, in their concept, in their ideology, in their “memeticity”.
  2. You get risk compensation opportunities; the riskier your investment (as assessed by our carefully designed machine learning models), the higher your reward.

Essentially, you get rewarded for risky and promising investments, and the entire TON ecosystem benefits from this!

Here's how we're building the future of DeFi on TON:

Identifying "High-potential Tokens":

  • Going Beyond Basic Metrics: We delve deeper than simple trading volume and price history. Our proprietary BOLD algorithms analyze a wide spectrum of on-chain data, including:

    • Smart Contract Activity: Frequency of updates, complexity of code, interaction with other contracts.
    • Community Growth: Social media engagement, forum activity, developer community size.
    • Token Distribution and Usage: Analyzing token distribution, staking activity, and real-world use cases.
    • Off-chain Data: Statistics from decentralized exchanges.
  • Machine Learning for Predictive Analysis: We leverage advanced machine learning models to identify patterns and trends within this data, providing a forward-looking assessment of a token's potential.

Empowering Users to Invest Boldly:

  • Data-Driven Insights: The BOLD Protocol empowers users to make informed investment decisions by providing accessible risk assessments for a wide range of TON tokens.
  • Access to Early-Stage Opportunities: We help users identify and evaluate promising projects early on, potentially capturing greater returns while supporting the growth of the TON ecosystem.

The BOLD Protocoсl is more than just a DeFi platform; it's a movement to champion innovation within the TON ecosystem. We empower users to navigate the world of "high-potential tokens" with confidence, fostering a thriving landscape for the next generation of decentralized applications. Essentially, you get rewarded for risky and promising investments, and the entire TON ecosystem benefits from this!