Updated 77 days ago


All games in the blockchain space are either clicker apps or glorified versions of stone paper scissors. We aim to build the best game that the TON community has ever seen. It will incorporate a multiplayer game environment with a play-to-earn scheme. Players can show off their skills and apply unique strategies using in-game powerups. All players get a chance to win game NFTs and RUNCOIN airdrops.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Defi
  • GameFi
  • TON
  • Mobile

Members 3

Kunal Purohit Game developer 4th Year B.Tech. IIT Bombay Himanshu Kumar Full Stack Developer 4th Year B.Tech. IIT Bombay Daksh Katkar Web3 Developer 4th Year B.Tech. IIT Bombay Jayesh Gaddam UI/UX Designer 4th Year B.Tech. IIT Bombay Rohit Kohli Frontend Developer 4th Year B.Tech. IIT Guwahati Abhinav Shrivastava Marketing and Social Media Manager 4th Year B.Tech. CU