Updated 139 days ago

Xora: ZKML Credit Score

Our vision is to make unsecured credit lending possible in the blockchain realm.

Xora ZKML Credit Score is a project conceived with the vision of enabling credit lending in the blockchain realm. Presently, the majority of blockchain-based loan products are collateral-based. However, we believe in a future where unsecured credit lending will become a reality.

Xora Credit Score leverages ZKML to compute credit scores, utilizing:

  • An ML model employing the XGBoost Regression Model.
  • ZKML Circuit design in the Noir language.
  • Execution of ZK Circuit and retrieval of prediction results through the Sindri API.
  • Subgraph for indexing Credit Score Reqeust Logs

Key features include:

  • Users can review their credit score calculation history on the website.
  • Third-party dApps can verify a specific user's credit score through smart contracts.
  • Subgraph indexing credit score history

Demo website https://zkml-xora-credit-score.vercel.app/

Deployed Smart Contract

  • XoraCreditScoreHistory 0x4d4d482198B588dFae0330862f2A31350edD2ABf

  • XoraCreditScore 0x061C2ca011AbF56899174d0138476A329Cd2D507

  • UltraVerifier 0xb67eDe20ab584f6088545E915F574a12b81F0094