- Protocol: SBTify - a decentralized identity and credentials management protocol on Scroll Sepolia chain.
- Deployment: Utilizes Scroll Infrastructure for deployment.
- Smart Contracts: Deployed on Scroll Sepolia Testnet with corresponding contract addresses provided for Authorization Token, Educational ID, Employee ID, National ID, and Passport ID.
- Frontend: Developed using Next JS and Vercel for efficient front-end deployment and performance.
- UI Framework: Implements Tailwind CSS and Material Tailwind for sleek and responsive user interface design.
- Development Stack: Utilizes Typescript for robust type-checking and Next JS for server-side rendering.
- Blockchain Verification: ScrollScan integrated for verifying smart contracts and ensuring transparency.
- Authentication: ConnectKit used for seamless wallet integration and user authentication.
- Functionality: Provides admin and user dashboards for managing credentials, issuing SBTs, and approving verification requests.
- Security: Implements Solidity and Hardhat for contract development, ensuring secure operations.
- Ease of Use: Simplified setup process with instructions available for local deployment via GitHub repository.