Updated 27 days ago

Scroll CLUB

For years I have wanted to participate in fund initiatives to invest in projects (startups and others), but the bureaucracy, the high requirements, and many other problems make it very difficult. And it is something that not only I experience, but also...  

  • Crypto / Web3
  • DAO / Community

Screenshot from 2024-04-29 22-41-28


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Smart Contract deployed on Scrroll Sepolia testnet

  • Smart contract - 0x62Df7BB95D2480caA481D7D36D08407A4EB82b61


  • Particle Network Smart Account - 0xbB40AfFB62bD0e5Df0933624B9B193B218197C6e

Features of SCROLL Club

  • web2 user onboard: I am uisng particle network for the Login which show Common authentication mechnaism like Google,Discord,Facebook

Screenshot from 2024-04-20 15-42-28

**Particle Network EOA for onbaording **

Screenshot from 2024-04-29 22-48-21

-- User Operation : All useroperation started with this code

 const signer = provider.getSigner();

              const tx = {
                to: marketplaceAddress,
                data: encodedData,
              const txResponse = await signer.sendTransaction(tx);
              const txReceipt = await txResponse.wait();



SCROLL CLUB Club allows you to manage investment clubs, and to spread access to participate in investment funds to anyone, decentralized, agile, and without bureaucracy.Implementing a comprehensive on-chain governance system allows DataDAO members to create and vote on proposals, covering aspects such as member management, dataset storage and distribution, and token distribution. This ensures a democratic and transparent decision-making process within the DAO.

What you can currently do in this version is:

  • Create investment clubs: Just define a name and the club will be associated with the account of the user who creates it (owner).

  • Join or leave clubs: Anyone with an COnflux blockchain account can join the available investment clubs, as well as leave one, with just a couple of clicks.

  • Contribute to the club: Any member of a club can contribute to the common fund (pool), depositing CFX coins that can be used in proposals.

  • Create and Vote on Proposals: Any member who has contributed funds to the club pool can create proposals, giving a description, amount (not to exceed the pool amount), and recipient, with a view to investing in any business/person in a project. Also, all members can approve or reject the proposal (only one vote per member is allowed on each proposal).

  • Run Proposals: A proposal owner can execute a proposal (if approval is greater than rejection), which will cause the proposal amount to be sent to the specified recipient. The owner can also close a proposal, in case of not continuing with it, either as a cancellation, publication error or to avoid sending funds.

  • Timing voting: After creation of proposal there is only about 5 min time is given to the mmeber to vote.


The club smart contract has some restrictions, similar to real hedge funds:

  • Up to 99 members per club (in many jurisdictions, such as the USA and Chile, this is the maximum limit of club members for certain purposes and types of clubs).
  • Only members can participate in club instances.
  • Only members who contribute funds to a club have the right to create proposals.
  • Only proposal creators can execute them.

🛠️Technologies we used

Technology Description Official Website
React.js JavaScript library for building user interfaces, often used for server-rendered or statically-generated applications React.js
Tailwind CSS Utility-first CSS framework for building custom designs Tailwind CSS
Solidity Programming language used for smart contract development on the Ethereum blockchain https://docs.soliditylang.org/
LightHouse Store file Secure, Reliable, & Lightning-Fast with Lighthouse. https://www.lighthouse.storage/
ChainLLink Chainlink is the decentralized computing platform powering the verifiable web https://chain.link/
The Graph The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data. The Graph makes it possible to query data that is difficult to query directly. https://thegraph.com/
Covalentt Data infrastructure for the blockchain industry https://www.covalenthq.com/docs/
Scroll Scroll is a decentralized, global team of developers that is focusing on building a holistic approach to scaling Ethereum, prioritizing quality over speed. https://scroll.io/