Updated 140 days ago

EcoAds Marketplace

In the growing space of metaverses and play-to-earn games, over 90% of the 200 existing metaverses are neither profitable nor sustainable, developers face the challenge of finding effective monetization models to keep the attention of their users and provide real-life social impact. Users are looking for more engaging ways to interact without losing the value of their time to advertising within these virtual environments . Partnership with ReFi: Connection to the Problem: Developers, in seeking new revenue streams, often face pressure to balance profitability with environmental and social responsibility. Solution: Developers: EcoAds Marketplace addresses this problem by introducing a tokenized advertising model that benefits all parties involved. Using blockchain,VR and AI technology It offers developers a new source of revenue by integrating tokenized advertising spaces in virtual fairs,concerts,exhibitions etc, into their metaverses and games. Users: Gives users the opportunity to interact with ads digitally (NFT) with technologies such asVR,this gives value to their attention and time by interacting with these new virtual reality models. By allocating a portion of revenues to sustainable and regenerative projects (ReFi), EcoAds Marketplace directly addresses the need for positive social impact. For brands: Expose your brand with interactive ads in new Web-based business models3 , transforming advertising into an engaging and rewarding experience.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • NFT
  • Metaverse

EcoAds Marketplace is a tokenized advertising platform designed specifically for metaverses. The platform enables advertisers to reach an engaged audience by tokenizing advertising space.

-Combines AR, blockchain and AI to deliver an interactive advertising experience.

Contract Scrollscan NFT verified