Updated 170 days ago

Market Clash

Onchain multiplayer collectible card game on Scroll where the stats of your cards are generated based on current market prices using Chainlink Price Feeds

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Scroll
  • Chainlink
  • GameFi

How It Works

Players can open packs of cards and create decks with them.


There are currently 3 types of cards :

  • BTC Card
  • ETH Card
  • LINK Card

cards showcase.png

Each card stats is generated based on current market prices using ChainLink Data Feeds on Scroll Sepolia.

For example if current eth price is 3204.24 $ usd, we take the first 4 digits of the price , add them and them multiply the sum with the corresponding multiplier : 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high

For example, LINK has a high attack, that means a multiplier of 3. Current link price of 14.03 $ USD will give us an attack of 24.

1 + 4 + 0 + 3 = 10 x multiplier = 8 x 3 = 24

Two players with decks created can play a match.

available players.png

It's a turn based game so on each turn , the player must chose the card to attack and the card that he wants to attack with, the UI is updated automatically for each player in real time, making the game multiplayer.


Hackaton Tracks

  • Scroll Game Track : Market clash is the card game where your cards are generated based on current market prices. Will the markets be in your favour ?

Smart contract address deployed & verified : https://sepolia.scrollscan.com/address/0x4Ad71B13a398466CCC40F98c3B38eeD00A4263e2

Live Demo Link : https://v0-rt-ex-01-market-clash-nextjs.vercel.app

How to play :

  1. Connect your wallet and open a pack of cards
  2. When cards are revealed, create the deck
  3. Go to players tab and challenge a player
  4. You will be transported to the match page
  5. First select the card you want to attack, and then the card you want to attack with
  6. Press attack
  7. Wait for the UI to update, now is your opponent's turn
  8. Enjoy :D

Hackathon sponsor prizes

  • Chainlink: Card stats are generated based on current market prices. Market Clash uses Chain Link data feeds on Scroll Sepolia to get current bitcoin, ethereum and link prices. Based on this data we generate the defence and attack points of the cards.