Updated 18 days ago


Select images expressed by genetic AI and breed new NFTs. zkML and ERC7007 guarantee that all NFTs are minted with these images. Sign in with your Worldcoin ID to own and breed these awesome NFTs.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • DAO / Community
  • NFT
  • Music NFT
  • the graph

Members 3

This project utilizes genetic AI to breed new NFT images. It leverages EZKL to generate proofs and its ERC7007 implementation to oversee each minting process. This process is fortified by zkML proof verification, ensuring each image is truly expressed by its genetic AI. It adopts a Worldcoin ID sign-in that is verified on-chain so that only real humans can own and breed these awesome NFTs. Finally, all pieces is unified seamlessly using React.

How it's Made Genetic AI: In each generation, 25 images are expressed by genetic AI. A user can select 2 images among them they like the most and the selected images are passed to the next generation. Once a user find a favorite image, they can mint it as an NFT.

zkML: Write genetic AI with PyTorch, convert it into ONNX model, and use EZKL to generate and verify proof.

ERC7007: ERC7007 is a ERC721 that contains AI generated token. This is achieved by mandating each minting process has to be proceeded only after ZK proof is verified. We implemented ERC7007 on our own and used zkML to generate and verify proof.

Sign in with Worldcoin ID: Signing in with Worldcoin ID guarantees only real humans can own and breed these NFTs. Furthermore, it is verified on-chain so it's trustless and transparent.

React Integration: All the elements of this project are combined into a single cohesive entity using React.