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  • Ideaism
hacker9f5877b · 2024/05/30
10 to 50 years of time dislocation, we can give our parents a daily video of the future that records beyond the current time, and we can extend the time of another life for our parents in this way.


Create a daily video time 100 years faster than real-time, and our parents will eventually leave, so that when they are alive, they can record their daily shooting videos and blessings a hundred years in advance, so that each of us can see the video he left every day when we miss them

Ideaism · 2024/05/29
SkillShare Space

A peer-to-peer learning platform for high school students. SkillShare Space allows users to offer or join classes on a wide range of topics, from academic subjects to hobbies. The platform fosters a community of learners and teachers, enabling students to discover new interests and build their skills.

Ideaism · 2024/05/29
TrashTag Tracker

An app that encourages and tracks participation in the #TrashTag

challenge. Users can organize clean-up events, share before-and-after photos, and see the impact of their efforts on a global map. The app awards digital badges for milestones and promotes social sharing to inspire others.

Ideaism · 2024/05/29

A fitness app that turns exercise into a game. Users complete quests by achieving fitness goals, compete in challenges, and earn rewards. FitQuest also includes educational content on healthy living and allows users to track their progress and set personal goals.

Ideaism · 2024/05/29

An online platform that hosts coding challenges and hackathons specifically for high school students. CodeRush features beginner to advanced challenges, tutorials, and resources to learn coding. It also includes a community forum for students to collaborate and share their projects.

Ideaism · 2024/05/29

A hardware and app combo that introduces high school students to sustainable gardening. The hardware consists of a smart planter that monitors soil moisture, light levels, and nutrient needs. The accompanying app provides gardening tips, tracks plant growth, and offers a platform for users to share their gardening progress.

Ideaism · 2024/05/29

An app that uses community-sourced data to map out the safest routes for students walking home or to school. SafeRoute includes real-time alerts for areas with recent safety incidents and allows users to share their live location with trusted contacts.

Ideaism · 2024/05/29

A mental health app tailored for high school students, featuring mood tracking, mindfulness exercises, and a supportive community. MindGrowth uses AI to provide personalized mental health tips and connects users with professional support if needed. It also includes educational content on coping strategies and mental wellness.

Ideaism · 2024/05/29

A blockchain-based platform that incentivizes recycling among high school students. Users earn digital tokens for recycling items, which can be used to redeem prizes or donate to environmental causes. The platform uses blockchain to track recycling efforts and ensure transparency.

Ideaism · 2024/05/29
StudyBuddy AI

An AI-powered study assistant designed for high school students. StudyBuddy AI helps users create personalized study plans, offers tutoring in difficult subjects through interactive lessons, and uses machine learning to adapt to the student's learning pace. It also includes a virtual study group feature to connect with other students.