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2022/03/22 → 2022/05/23, 14:00

Moonriver Grant Hackathon

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  • 4293投票数

  • 75.13 MOVR社区资助

  • 1,669.1 MOVR匹配池




2022年3月23日-5月20日,Moonriver首次全球黑客马拉松暨Moonriver Grant 1在开发者激励平台DoraHacks正式启动,项目提交通道已经开启:https://dorahacks.io/grant/moonriver/detail


Moonriver是Kusama上的平行链,同时也是Moonbeam的姐妹网络。本次黑客松由Moonbeam Foudnation和Huobi Incubator提供总计15万美元的奖金赞助,并有Moonriver与Huobi Incubator提供奖金丰厚的bounty命题,内容涉及XCMs、NFTs、DeFi、Indexers和Gaming等领域。

欢迎Moonriver开发者加入开发者社区,与其他开发者、评委、投资人直接交流! https://t.me/moonrivergrant


  • 丰厚奖金:总计15万美元二次方投票奖金池+无上限社区投票
  • 团队/项目宣传曝光:主办方将精选参赛项目参与面向开发者社区与投资人的Demo直播进行项目展示,获得大量曝光;黑客松结束后,优秀项目可能得到DoraHacks与Moonriver团队的专访!
  • 潜在投资机会:参加本次黑客松的优质项目将有机会获得包括Huobi Incubator在内的一众优质投资人和交易所的投资机会。
  • 同行交流机会:参与本次Hackathon的builder 们可获得加入Moonriver builder 社群。与更多Moonriver开发者切磋交流,找到更多合作伙伴!


  • 全球黑客松开幕式:3月23日
  • 项目提交截止:5月20日 晚上10点
  • 项目投票:4月26日-5月23日 晚上10点
  • 项目直播demo开始:5月上旬
  • Grace Period:5月23日-5月26日
  • 结果公布:5月底


1.提交项目:登陆DoraHacks.io,进入页面: https://dorahacks.io/grant/moonriver 点击“申请Grant”进行报名。新用户请先注册。

2.加入Moonriver BUILDers 群:加入Moonriver开发者专属社群 ,获取一手活动资讯。没有项目的开发者也可以在群里组队,共同把idea转化为项目!Telegram: https://t.me/moonrivergrant

3.项目验证:为了防止虚假项目参与瓜分奖池,请联系脑洞猫(Telegram@hackerlinkofficial)验证项目真实性 。



Grand Prize - XCM Cross-Chain Explorer

1st Place - $20,000

2nd Place - $5,000

XCM is a foundational new technology of Polkadot that allows heterogeneous blockchains to interoperate and seamlessly transfer value. XCM functionality recently debuted on Moonriver with the introduction of the XC-20 standard, a Substrate-native asset that conforms to ERC-20 standards. xcKSM, or KSM migrated from the Kusama Relay Chain, is the first XC-20 to launch on Moonriver. Currently, transferring assets via XCM between relay chain and parachain can be a frustrating experience because the information displayed in block explorers is limited and disjointed. For example, you might see a transaction that initiated your XCM transfer but it is not clear 1) that it is an XCM transaction and 2) the destination of the transfer. Your challenge is to build an explorer that tracks the status of a user’s assets and reflects accurate locations for assets transferred via XCM.

The main idea is to provide a nice UI and improve the UX for end users using XCM transfers. For example, put in your Ethereum Tx hash, or Substrate tx hash, or your address, and you’ll get a list of all the XCM you’ve done, with a link to the Event-ID on the target chain.


NFT Collection Showcase DApp

1st Place - $7,000

2nd Place - $2,500

Build an app that allows users to showcase their NFTs on Moonriver. The best project submissions will: -- Support as many NFT collections on Moonriver as possible. -- Allow users to create and share a user-friendly link with their friends. For example, mynfts.com/KevinPurestake Instead of, mynfts.com/address/0x2c507D8A3517799061c00cd6e4868C62210b647f -- Display relevant NFT Metadata and traits such as supply, rarity, tokenID, etc.

NFT Creation and Deployment DApp

1st Place - $7,000

2nd Place - $2,500

Build an application that allows non-technical users to create and deploy NFTs to Moonbeam via a simple UI. Users should be able to upload image files for each NFT and specify various characteristics such as rarity. The best project submissions will:

  • Ensure the NFT image files are hosted on a decentralized service.
  • Allow users to set traits such as rarity and other characteristics.
  • Have a transfer functionality to allow NFTs to be transferred via web ui.
  • Feel free to use Pinata to help build your application.

Indexers Core Bounty

Integrate On-Chain Data with the Help of Indexers - $5,000

Retrieving data from blockchains can be a complex process but fortunately there are solutions such as Covalent API, TheGraph, and Subquery that make it a much more enjoyable experience. For example, to get a user’s ERC-20 token balances, you’d typically need to query the blockchain with every single token contract address to confirm a user’s balance. Instead, Covalent API allows you to do this in a single API call. Subquery allows you to query EVM and Substrate data with a unified manner. The Graph is a well-known decentralized indexing protocol that can efficiently store data into various indices called Subgraphs.

The best submissions for this bounty will:

  • Use an Indexer to provide a key piece of data in their application.
  • Be elegantly designed and intuitive for the end-user.


Launch a Game on Moonriver

1st Place - $7,000

2nd Place - $2,500

Moonriver is fast, efficient, and interoperable, making it a perfect destination for gaming apps. Web3.unity is ChainSafe’s new open-source gaming SDK that makes it easy to integrate blockchain data into the Unity gaming engine. Web3.unity provides everything you need to power your gaming dApps and includes built-in wallet authentication among its many features. ChainSafe has published a comprehensive series of YouTube tutorials that demonstrates the capabilities of the SDK or you can check out the SDK docs here. To clarify, any gaming dApp is eligible for this bounty — you aren’t required to use ChainSafe’s gaming SDK to qualify.

Huobi Incubator Moonshots

Huobi Incubator Moonshot Bounties - 2 Awards of $10,000

If you’re building a unique DApp that doesn’t fit neatly into one of the already specified bounties, then this is the bounty for you! The only requirement here is that you haven’t submitted your project to other bounties.

Huobi Incubator Best Overall Projects

Best overall projects will be judged based on creativity, quality of the technical solution, and the user experience.

Huobi Incubator 1st Best Project Overall - $10,000.00

Huobi Incubator 2nd Best Project Overall - $7,500.00

Huobi Incubator 3rd Best Project Overall - $4,000.00


请准备好MetaMask钱包,切换至Moonriver主网,具体官方教程如下: https://docs.moonbeam.network/builders/get-started/moonriver/#connect-metamask https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywpc1UwpIyg

进入HackerLink官网,并根据下面的投票指南进行投票: Moonriver Grant Hackathon Voting Guide








如需了解更多信息,请访问:website | newsletter | Telegram | Twitter | Discord


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  2. 点击 申请 Grant 用已有 BUIDL 或新创建一个 BUIDL 来申请
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  4. 连接钱包注册 BUIDL 上链


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