Updated 898 days ago

Background Network: Discord Chatbot & Help Center Protocol

Decentralized help center as a service protocol - ask us anything.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Polygon
  • Algorand
  • Arbitrum

What Problem are we Solving? Discord is where customer support happens today. It is not ideal because Discord is a feed so you end up having the same questions being asked over and over again. Most of the time it is the founder or core team answering most questions, which is a large time suck.The feed is also not very searchable or readable. At a certain scale, it becomes impossible to address everyone’s questions in a group chat format.

Support channels in Discord are not only a mess full of unreputable information, repeat questions, trolls. It is very hard for users to get support or their questions answered, especially in larger communities. Support Discord channels are also a massive vector for attack. You hear about instances daily about people getting phished by people posing as customer support and losing all of their funds. The feed is also not very searchable or readable which makes customers susceptible to scammers.

How does it work? Projects create a help center with us (it is a web page). It is a forum like UI– similar to Stack Overflow. It can be whitelabled or hosted on our domain.Powered by a dynamic cross platform model. Users can sign in with their Discord credentials or authenticate with their wallets and create a profile to list their communities to ask questions and answer questions. The page will be pre-populated with Q+A from their Discord help channel. The FAQ content will be available to the public. Discord Bot can read the Q+A in Discord and automatically link to answers that are relevant or answer the question in Discord.

Tokenomics Community members are incentivized via tokens to ask relevant questions and share relevant answers. (Upvote/karma system using a native token) Community members are rewarded via tokens to provide and curate answers to help the community. Community members are incentivized via tokens to keep information in the forum relevant and to actively take down obsolete Q+A and replace it with relevant Q+A.

Integrated Technologies The following infrastructure can be deployed: Our native ERC-20 token can be deployed on various networks -- Ethereum, Polygon, or Arbitrum. Our intention is to implement wallet authentication on our FAQ website using Magic in the future.

Our priority right now is to create a seamless user experience that serves community members and mods in saving time and money.