Updated 267 days ago

Development of software for streamlining the listing of cases through Differentiated Case Flow Management.

We're looking for the aim to develop an android/iOS and web-based application for the Judicial System and its clients for ease in listing and handling the records through regular updations and accessing them.

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Members 4

The Prototype will function as follows:-

⮚ Proper listing of cases in suitable and well-mannered form. ⮚ Case categorization into its domain category using AI and ML technology. ⮚ Additional listing and database for foreign judicial cases. ⮚ This listing will generate the proper synopsis for the timeline of prioritized cases. ⮚ Each level of court system is allowed to access the data within the scope range. ⮚ Creating an user-friendly environment for reading and accessing the data. ⮚ Generation of reminders for upcoming hearing dates. ⮚ Platform will have the experience and winning ratio of the lawyers so it can also be an ease for clients to appoint lawyers for their own cases.


Use Cases of the software:-

⮚ Case categorization as well as prioritization would be automatically done by AI and ML for all categories like Child Labor, Domestic Violence, etc. ⮚ The judiciary system would have the access to use the platform for listing and prioritizing the case . ⮚ A proper management place for Government so that no delay of cases will occur and a perfect deadline will be generated. ⮚ Client here could simply fill up the login page or sign-up form on our platform and can fetch to their current case situation (if so) through the software. ⮚ The app interface for the client would help him know about his next scheduled hearing date and time to reach at the allocated court. ⮚ Reminder and pop ups too will be displayed. ⮚ Clients here too can interact with the respective lawyers suitable for their cases or they can consult them until their case will be solved.


Dependencies or Stopper described below:-

⮚ Enabling more efficient use of judicial resources available to government ⮚ Reduces paper work by officials ⮚ Access of any past criminal cases of criminals in one go by any court ⮚ Reduce case backlogs ⮚ Case prioritization ⮚ Proactive monitoring ⮚ Feedback Column for public ⮚ Lawyer's getting authorized star rating for their work in court respectively ⮚ Lawyer's Description under one panel ⮚ Website's consultancy will be available 24/7 for client until the case is over